Ouch (Kevin)

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Finally, a Kevin Fic!!!
Thank you guys so much for reading this story and I especially thank the 1 person that gave me the first request! So please, please, please remember to request anything your heart desires! I'll work on it immediately!
Thank you!!!💖

They were back at it again! The Jonas Brothers are one of the most popular artists since their reunion and because of this, they were already planning new concerts, music and more. Many fans were excited, and so were the brothers; freshly married and loaded with newfound friendship and confidence.

Currently, they were practicing in a stadium for their happiness begins tour and rehearsing a few songs and freshen up old moves as well as creating new ones. So while Joe and Nick were working mostly on their vocals, Kevin was practicing his famous guitar spin and also added a few moves here and there.

After a few hours, they were given a break to recuperate and talk to each other. "Wow, Kevin! You've really got the hang of your guitar spin, haven't you?", Joe quipped while clapping Kevin on the shoulder. Nick also voiced his admiration for his oldest brother's skills in handling his guitar. "Yeah, really great Kev! Remember when Joe tried the spin? He totally crashed into a set of drums, and he wasn't even holding a guitar!"

Joe rolled his eyes. "Ha, ha, very funny Nick. At least I tried." Although Joe wanted to sound angry, he grinned at the last part of his sentence. Kevin nodded in agreement. "And your vocals are really on fire there, Joe! Keep up the great performance!", Kevin praised his younger brother, which earned him a broad grin and a nod of appreciation from Joe.

"Let's get back to work, boys!", their manager shouted. The Jonas Brothers shared a last laugh between themselves before continuing to rehearse.

Kevin was determined to ad a new move to his guitar routine, so he practiced very thoroughly.

Suddenly, while attempting a new sort of spin, Kevin lost his balance. The momentum sent him flying into, ironically, a set of drums. Kevin felt his arm twist in an uncomfortable way with his body weight landing on top of it.

Joe and Nick were about to laugh at their brother's fall, when they heard a snap and Kevin's cry of pain. Rushing quickly towards their brother, Joe arrived first and knelt beside Kevin while Nick followed closely behind.

The two younger siblings set to work and quickly manoeuvred the drum set of their oldest brother. Kevin made a pained sound. Upon further examination, Joe saw that Kevin's right arm was dangling at a weird, abnormal angle. Carefully, both Nick and Joe lifted the guitar off Kevin and helped him to sit up.

"Nick, call an ambulance, his pupils are dilated.", Joe said, his usual goofy demeanour replaced by a concerned frown on his face. "Will do, Joe", Nick replied and went to find a telephone.

Meanwhile, Joe was trying to talk to Kevin, who was currently only mumbling incoherent things. "C'mon, Kev, you have to speak a little louder, I can't hear you.", Joe said, rubbing his older brother's back gently. "Hurts", Kevin managed to spit out. "I know Kevin, we'll get you to a hospital." Kevin looked at Joe with pain-filled eyes and Joe felt pain for his older brother as well.

As soon as the ambulance arrived, Nick and Joe jumped into their car and drove to the hospital where Kevin was brought to. They quickly put on some sunglasses and caps before entering the hospital.

"Kevin Jonas? Is he here?", Joe asked the lady at the reception desk while Nick looked around for Kevin. "Family of Mr. Jonas?", she asked. Joe nodded quickly. "His brothers."
"Okay then, Mr. Jonas is currently in surgery, but if you could just take a seat in the waiting room, we'll inform you as soon as Mr. Jonas is available to talk to."

Nick and Joe anxiously waited in the hospital's waiting room for any updates on their brother. Hours passed and Joe fell asleep in one of the hospital's plastic chairs while Nick was tapping his foot nervously and looking around the room.

"Family of Mr. Jonas?", a nurse asked as she walked into the waiting room. Nick immediately shot up out of his chair, dragging Joe with him. The latter woke with a startled gasp as he felt himself being dragged along several hallways.

Nick was so excited to see Kevin that he completely dragged a half-asleep Joe into Kevin's room. The eldest Jonas Brother was lying in a hospital bed with a cast around his right arm and a white gauze bandage covering his head.

Kevin noticed Nick and sleepy Joe enter his room and nodded at them. "Hey guys, I'm sorry for the complications." Nick just simply walked over to him and gave him a hug, mindful of Kevin's right arm. Joe also trudged towards his older brother and tried to hug him, but he stayed in the hug for too long and fell asleep again.

Kevin just smiled at his brother's sleeping form, awkwardly lying next to him on the hospital bed. Nick pulled up a chair and rested his head on Kevin's bed as well, the younger Jonases were both tired from all the excitement and worrying.

Running his good hand through Joe's thick curls, Kevin smiled and closed his eyes. He was so thankful to have his brothers, even if they were annoying sometimes.

See, guys, I kinda lack at ideas at the moment but I didn't want to disappoint you so this chapter was a bit shorter. Request, comment or follow please!
~ Laurie

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