5. Chapter: Berliner Luft [Rewritten]

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He groaned softly as he woke up in the room of germanys house.
He looked down at himself, his hands moving over his chest.
Two days in the same body? Not bad, not bad.
He smiled slightly before going over to his wardrobe.
The weekend was over, so he needed to go back to Reichstag and his office.
He grumbled softly as he picked out his suit. He looked at the M on the coathanger for reassurance.
He quickly got himself dressed before heading downstears to grab a bite to eat.
"Two days? Is that a new record?" Germany laughed as he saw him enter the kitchen.
He smiled back "No...but close." He sight before making a black bread with Leberwurst for himself to eat.

Third said with a spoonfull of cereal in his hand.
Both previous dead countries had one bowl in front of them. The two were amazed by how much has changed and even more surprised that basically everyone could have such tropical fruit like bananas all year around. On top of that, they took quite a liking to cerial. Though, still beeing new to all of this, they, of course, made some mistakes; Reich had too much milk, and GE had too much cereal.
Berlin laughed at that.
"Hey, aren't you going to work today, germany?" He asked, pointing his bread at his country.
The country chuckled at the gesture. "No, I said I was ill."
Berlins eyes whiden. "You lied to EU? You?"
Germany chuckled at his reaction. "Well, heaving over 200 sick days stored up since I basically always overwork is pretty useful."
Reich looked at him. "Dont make the same mistake as me."
He slurped his coffee, which he found way too sweet for his liking.

"Starting a world war?" Germany said with an amused but also serious smile.

His father choked on his coffee and began coughing violently.
"I meant overworking?!"
Third quickly corrected him after he calmed his breath.
However, it still didn't change the fact that his father heard the words of his nephew.
"World war?" The empire asked, eyeing his son.
Third Reich flinched. "Yes...world war."
"And...did you win?" He asked further.
"If I'd won, I doubt I wouldn't have been in Limbo." Reich said with a grim expression.
GE knew there was more to this than 'not winning', but he let it be for now and finished his way to blant coffee.

"So... Berlin." germany leaned to his capital.
Berlin sighed. He knew that face. Germany always had that look whenever he wanted something from others, especially his states.
"Yes, germany?" He looked at him while taking a sip of his own coffee.
"Can you bring us to Berlin?" He asked with a sparkle in his eyes.
"Can't you get there through the Centre?" He replied, confused.
"Not with these two." Germany pointed back at the ex-countries.
Berlin's eyes whiden in realisation, "Hold on, you want to bring them with you?"
"Yes, Berlin. I want them to show them what happened after they died. A quick lesson in history." Germany wasn't joking, and Berlin knew that.
He sighed, giving into his countries demands.
"Quick lesson in history my ass, germany. Once you get talking, there is no way to stop you... but fine, you win. I will take you three to Berlin"

About half an hour later, germany, the ex countries, and his capital found themself on the A24 just outside Berlin in their human forms.

"I can't believe we actually made it past the guards..." Germany said in a hushed whisper.
"Yea, thank your reputation that you got by the organisations." Berlin stared straight ahead. Driving the black Mercedes Benz to the gates of Berlin.
"It wasn't particularly easy after what my father has done." Germany glared through the rearview mirror at Third Reich, who tried to ignore it the best they could.
Soon enough, they drove through the gates of Berlin. Third Reich and the german Empire both looked outside in awe at the city they once knew but had changed so much in the past 100 years.
Berlin dropped them off at the Brandenburg gate.
"Don't comit arson!" He half joked before driving off to his office in the 'Regierungsviertel' in Berlin.
Germany just sighed at his remark and then turned to his family members.
"Well, here we are." He nodded to the Brandenburg gate.
Third and the german Empire glanced around like tourists.
"Why are they so many...different flags?" Third asked with true curiosity.
"These are the different embassies." He looked around.
"USA, Hungary, France... and thouse are the once only here."He smiled lightly.
The german empire, meanwhile, looked at the guards that guarded the embassies.
"Facinating..." he glanced at the gun with interested eyes.
Germany pulled him out of his trance with a quick sleeve tug, and they continued walking around Berlin. Eventually, they reached Kochstraße by taking the U6 underground line.
"What is this?" Third asked bewildered.

"Checkpoint Charlie..." Germany answered with a sigh. "Remember how I said Germany was split?"
Third and the German Empire nodded.
"Well, Berlin was split too. At first everybody could go from the allied sector into the soviet sector."
Third scoffed at the mentioning of his old acquaintance.
"But in august 1961, the Soviets suddenly didn't let anyone through. And then... a wall was built... the Berlin Wall. Closing in the allied sector and not letting anyone enter or leave the sector. "
"They did what?!" Third whiped around to face his son, getting a few stares from the people around him.
Germany ignored his father and continued. "On 27th October 1961, both sides, amerikan and russian, send tanks to the Checkpoint... they could've shot any given moment... they luckly didn't." Germany looked away as he remembered said event. It was burned deep into his memory.
Third layed a supportive arm on his shoulder. "I am sorry, Sohn." Germany snapped around."Huh.Why are you sorry?You weren't there." 

"Exactly. I wasn't, but I should have been, that's why I am sorry."

Germany looked up. His father, his father. The most narcissistic man he knew was apologising?

It's probably because GE is here.

Yeah, that was it.

"Thanks, Vater." Germany said after a while then looked at his clock.
"Well, anyone hungry?" He tried to hide the fact he was feeling emotional.
"I know the best Currywurst in all of Berlin!" He exclaimed.

The empire raised a brow. "What is that...currywurst you are speaking of?"

A while later, they found themself at a Kebab restaurant, not far from the russian embassy.
The empire raised a brow "so...this is a dish from the son of my friend Ottoman?" He asked.
"Türkei, yes. A lot of people love it, and somehow, we got famous for eating it...I dont blame them." Germany chuckled and bit into his Kebab.
Third, meanwhile, bought himself a Currywurst. He insisted on paying for it. But when he put a few Reichsmark on the counter, he only got a weard glance and raised eyebrow from the cashier.
In the end, Germany paid for all three.
They chatted for a while, mostly Germany telling his grandfather about the newest of technologies and showing him and his father how a phone works before giving each of them one. In which Third insisted on repaying him later.
They eventually left the restaurant and went back to the Brandenburg gate to get picked up by one of Germanies states since Berlin needed to work late and will probably stay in his apartment he owned in the city.


Someone had been watching the trio from the windows of the embassy, his eyes focusing on the human form of germany and Third Reich. A hint of recognition in his eyes.
He recognised him.
There was no doubt.
He remembered him from the time his father and germanys were friends.

His eyes narrowed.


"Yes, my country?"

"Cancel all appointments for tomorrow. I have more important things to take care of."

"Of course, my country."

He stepped away from the window and resumed to work.


Berlin sighed as he put a paper aside and grabbed his 'I ❤️ Berlin' mug and took a sip of the half cold coffee.
Berlin...working in an office in the Parliament Quarter, in Berlin.
The irony behind it was...Oh well.
A knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts.
"Sir, there is someone who wants to see you. I told them you were busy, but they wouldn't leave."
Berlin gave a small, thankful smile.
"It's OK, Sara, let them in."
Sara, his secretary, nodded.
"Of course, sir."

A few moments later, a voice pulled him from the papers again.

"Hello, Berlin. It has been a while, hasn't it?"

Berlins eyes dilated.

It couldn't be.

That voice.

He thought she was dead.

He dared himself to look up.


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