9. Chapter: Run and stop

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Germany screamed at Third and Soviet.
He didnt notised the 3 people running upstears to the scene.
"HOW THE HELL DID YOU EVEN SNEEK OUT!" he was furios at them. "well...we went at 6:30 in the morning and the front door wasnt locked...so we....took a flamethrower and burned polands house...a bit...." "but! The nice people that we are didnt let it go out of controle!" soviet said proud. Germany just looked at them dead in the eyes. "and WHY is his house BURNED DOWN NOW" his ires was blood red at that moment. Third and soviet feeled there sins crawling on there back.
"we...might have missed a spot-" soviet barly finished wehn germany grabbed his coller, his voice suddently deap "dont. Ever .do.something like this again, or you'll see the red absise of hell forever!" soviet gullped and he let go of him, wanting to get out of this room. At that moment, he finally notised the three people standing in the doorframe.
"...poland..." he said shocked, his eyes going back to normal. The twocolored country had wide open eyes and a face of suprise and shock.
Third and soviet, back to there normal selfs pecked at the door. They smiled at the winged country who flinched and stepped back a bit. After a few moments he turned around and begun to run. "POLAND WAIT!" germany screemed after him, but poland was fast. He was almost at the door, when he suddendly fell. He looked at what stopped him, it was one of Reichtangles black tenticals , it hold his foot so he couldn't run.

Said empiere walked from the kitchen in his direction, close behind him, his wife AH.
Fear was written on polands eyes, he shelded his face,not daring to lock at GE.

But then, he sudently was hugged? He lowerd his arms to see GE gently hugging him "w-wha" he stumbeld. GE stood up again and held a hand to take for poland, poland hesintly took it and stood up. "Dont worry...they wont hurt you aslong as we are here" AH stood beside him and gave a small smile.
Polands face lit up and smiled at them.


It suddently screamed from the stears.
Third and soviet were lieing on the bottem of the stairs. On the top, giggleing germany, russia and Berlin and...a bear?
"gut gemacht,Bruno" (good, bruno) berlin sayed as he scrubbed the bears ear.
Poland smiled a bit at the bear, he rememberd the time they had one in the military, he loved that bear.
The three came down stears "you know," berlin begun "Bruno is an offspring of Wojtek, I thought you would like to meet him.." bruno walked down stears to poland, he sniffed his hand and then rubbed his head against poland, poland pet him, he seemed to enjoyed it.

"you know germany, mabye I will stay." Poland sayed after a while, germany looked at him with big eyes.
"y-you will? Even after you know whos with me?
Poland chuckeld "its weard really, but I'll give it a shot"
He looked up to Reichtangle and AH. They both gave a smile back in return.

Ok...this is way to short

"so...were will I sleep?" poland asked.

Germany suddently put on a rather earing smile and looked at his father and soviet "dont worry...Il take care of it" he said in a weard tone.

10min later

"no, sohn please! Its not even done yet!" reich arrgued with germany "you knew the consequences! Now go, and take BW with you, if you want it changed." reich sight, and slowly walked into the basement, soviet and BW close behind him.

"germany what did you do" AH said annoyed."moved them to the basement" he replied somehow happy.
"well thats irony" poland chuckeld.

With T.R, BW and Onion I mean...Union

"I cant believe he did this to me, his own father" third still grumbeld about his banishment.
"calm down Third, its not going to change anything" soviet claimed and stopped at the first empty room.
"so..." BW asked "what style do you two want?" "Idk...Something old fashion" third sayed thierdly "mabye somethimg from the time we lived?" soviet said, still in thoughts.
"Allright," BW said, scribling down things on a notepat. After he finished he did a bit of bending the walls, to give more space to the two. "I'll get the rest from Sweden later on, gotta ask Berlin for his truck" he mumbeld going upstairs.
"wait, what about us? Were do we sleep?" third sayed despritly "Il get the air matress. But we only have one..." BW sayed befor walking out. Thirds face pailed at the thought of sleeping in the same bed as soviet. He couldnt read soviets face, since he was looking inside the room. "soviet...?" third slowly said "l-lets just go upstairs reich." he slowly said, walking upstairs wothout looking at him.
'what the fuck was that' third thought befor following him.


Welp, that raps up todays chapter, I still have a lot of Ideas to come. :) so dont worry, this book will not end soon.
But f-ing thanks for almost 400reads! Nether expected this book to blow up that much.
So thanks for the support everyone!

Words: 890

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