9 - The Names

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Thomas Edison
September 1st

We finally found our way to the principal's office. Without asking anyone. I think it's our egos' fault that we haven't asked anyone for help. That and the weird looks they're giving us anyways.

We barge in the room right before his office and the secretary or whatever his role is shoots us a weird look.

Minho talks. "Uhm, hi. We're new and uh... apparently, the principal wants to talk to us. I don't know why, but... here we are." Wow Minho. What a great speech.

"Oh, yeah." He pushes a button and talks on the microphone. "Mr. Argent, the new kids are here. Do I send them in ?"

"Please do," said the voice that I automatically didn't like. I don't know why, I just don't.

The guy showed us the door leading to the office and invited us in.

"Thank you," said the principal. He turned to look at us, judging each and every one of us and with a charming but fake smile. "Hi. I'm the principal here at Beacon Hills High. My name is Gerard Argent and I'm a man of family." Why is he telling us his life ? "In fact, my grand-daughter comes here. If you wish, I can ask her to help you accommodate to Beacon Hills."

As he is talking, I can see him stealing glances at me, subtly, but not enough for me. I noticed it, and probably half of the Gladers did too. Or they noticed he was weird... he had that weird aura... It's hard to explain. I do not like him, that's for sure.

"No, it's fine," I tell him. "We'll be great on our own. Thanks, though."

"Okay then. I'll still ask her to look out for you guys if you ever need it. If you need help with anything, you can ask me or her or anyone and I'm sure they'll be glad to do so." Thank you, but no.

"Well, I'm gonna ask my secretary to give all of you your schedules and you can head on to your classes. Any questions ?"

Harriet raises her hand. "How will we know where to go ? We've never been here." She makes an excellent point.

"I'm sure you'll find your way," Mr. Argent says with a smile. We wait for a few seconds before understanding it's our cue to leave.

So we do so. And when we go back to the other room, the guy raises his head and looks at us. I don't think he knows what we're waiting for. "Our schedules," says Frypan.

"Right, sorry." He looks around, moves a few papers before finding them. "Deedee Anderson." Teresa raises her hand and he gives her a sheet of paper. Jared Evans."

"It's me," Frypan says as he takes the paper.

"Philip Foster." Gally grabs the schedule. "Kim Peter."

"It's actually Peter Kim," says Minho, and I think that's one of the first times I've seen him shy — or close to shy.

"Oh, sorry." He moves on. "Daniel Schmidt." Aria raises his hand. "St... Stephen ? No, sorry. Stiles Stilinski." It's my turn to grab my calendar for the rest of the year. "Evelyn Wilson." Harriet. "Elizabeth Wright." Sonya raises a shaky hand. "Jacob Wright." Newt is the last one to take his schedule.

Everyone starts to leave and I thank the guy. In the hallway, everyone regroups and looks who's with who and where. When they've calmed down, I talk. "Does anyone have anything to say before we head on ?"

"Don't fail, be smart," Minho answers.

"Great, we're all bloody inspired," answered Newt.

"Do you got anything to say, shuckface ?"

"I love you, shanks," he says.

"We love you too, Newt !" everyone replies.

As I walk to math, which I have with T and Sonya, I think about their given names. And they don't fit. They just don't. I know that we all come from different countries and everything, but it's still disturbing. Like, Minho. He doesn't fit a Peter. He just doesn't. Minho is Korean. And apparently, Korean names are usually two syllabes for the given name (Peter) and one syllable for the last name (Kim). But Peter isn't a Korean name either.

WICKED really went out of their ways. We are from a lot of places. Like Newt, Sonya and Gally are all English, from the United Kingdom. Frypan is Canadian, Aris is German and I am American. As for Teresa and Harriet, we don't really know.

Gosh I miss the others. Like Jorge and Brenda. And just everyone. I hate that they couldn't come with us.

I really, really miss Chuck.
Hey !

I wanted to take a break for the Holidays, but guess I'm not. It's a really small chapter though. I thought, instead of doing a long chapter, I could give a bit more background on everyone, their given names and where they are from. Harriet is Scottish and Teresa is American.

I noticed a bit too late I'd completely forgot about Jorge and Brenda, and I can't just add them like that, so expect to see them arrive.

For the names, I did a bit of research. I didn't want to choose a random name (even if it does seem random) so let me explain my logic.

I researched every actor and chose a name that fitted where they came from from their list of roles they did. That's, for example, why Peter isn't a Korean name. But I did choose a two syllables name because I read somewhere how Korean names are written. For the last name, I searched, for example "scottish last names" and chose one.

I hope you don't hate the names.

Happy Holidays !


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