12 - Gally

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September 1st

The day was not as bad as I thought it could be. I mean, it was boring and like, we destroyed that math problem (find the value of "x", really ? Couldn't she find something hard ? The answer was clearly 23.342742 !) and every other class and everyone was surprised to see Thomas, but other than that, wow was the day boring.

I can't believe they're making us go to school. Like, don't they slintheads get that we shanks know everything ? Maybe a few more days in there will make them understand.

I swear, the only good part in all those WICKED experiments was the "we're super smart" part, and now we have to go to school. Counterproductive.

I'm not saying I know everything (well, I kinda am), I'm saying that high school is easy. I can do "hard" math problems without a calculator and without leaving one trace and the teachers have a hard time understanding that my last nime is Kim, not Peter.

It's not because I'm supposedly Koren and that their names are not like the American way that they have a right to mess up my name every single time. I wouldn't mind if they called me "Mr. Peter" like that, but when they're also naming one of my friends by their last name, I know they messed up mine. The worst thing of all that ? I'm complaining about a name I don't even like.

Let's be honest, I do not look like a Peter. Nor a Kim for that matter. I look like a Minho.

Something that has always bothered me is that everyone was named after a scientist or a known person (except Teresa, but it's Teresa, I mean, what do you expect ?) and me... who am I supposed to be ? A nobody ? Is that what I am ?

Why was I named Minho ? I tried researching on the Internet on the house's computer the name "Minho" and "Greated Scientist Of All Time Named Minho" and it got me nowhere. I even tried "hair dresser minho" because let's be honest, all Minhos should have great hair.

But nothing.

So why am I named Minho ? Is there a reason ?

I love the name Minho, but I want it to have meaning like Newt's and Thomas' and everyone's... hell, even Zart's had a meaning ! He's supposedly this great composer called Mozart. And Fry too. But Fry has a nickname for his nickname, which is also a nickname for another nickname and that nickname is for his "real name". And even his real name is a fake name. We call him Fry, it started out as Frypan for his meals, at first we called him Siggy and he's apparently Sigmund Freud. That guy can literally choose his name.

Beacon Hill is a nice town.

I don't like it.

I've lived enough to get at least one thing in life; when life is good, it's fake. So what is fake about Beacon Hills ? What are they hiding ? Some shank has gotta be hiding some klunk !

Like Thomas' past's friends. They seem sketchy. I don't like them. Or maybe I don't like the idea of Thomas having friends before us.

Talking of Thomas, even he has tons of nicknames. Newt calls him Tommy and Teresa calls him Tom and Stiles is a nickname for something I don't even wanna try to pronounce. Sometimes, I wanna call him something other than Thomas, but I don't know what. Tommy feels too personal to Newt and Tom is Teresa's thing and no way I steal her idea.

So I settle for calling him Thomas. Eh, he's still a slinthead anyways.

"Yo, shank, what are you talking about ?" Gally asks me.

"What ?"

"Oh right, sorry, I forgot you don't know how to think. Let me explain, it's a thing smart people do..." I throw him a cushion that was on the couch.

"School was boring," I tell him and he nods.

"Shucking boring," he says. "But I like being superior to others," he smiles and I burst out laughing.

"Of course you do," I scoff. "Of course you do."

"What can I say, I'm a narcissist at heart."

"No, you're not," says Harriet from the kitchen. "I think you just like to pretend to be."

"And why would I do that ?" asks Gally.

She shows up in the room with a sad smile.

"To forget." Gally's face changes completely, which probably shows that Harriet was right.

To forget Chuck. To forget all the klunk he did.

"I'm gonna go to bed," he says. "Night, slintheads."

"Night," I mutter.

We've all forgiven Gally, I know we did.

The question is, did he forgive himself ?

Hey! It's me again with a filler chapter !

I don't hate it though because I get to write from Minho's perspective and dig a bit with Gally's emotions from someone else's perspective.

Do you have people you ship together ? With the pack, with the Gladers or intertwined ?

Feel free to check out my two one shots (yes I am self promoting lemme be) !


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