10 - Stiles Or Thomas ?

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Thomas Edison
July 18

I hear people behind me. And something makes me turn around. I don't know what. They're just people. But I turn around. Because my mind tells me too. I don't know why. It's just this... familiar-unfamiliar thing about the voice. The calm in her voice. I can still hear the nervousness in her voice, but it has this calming effect. It has this home effect. Even Noah or Melissa didn't have that on me. But her voice. Her voice. It did.

So I turn around. And I see this beautiful girl. And when I say beautiful, I mean it. She is beautiful. If I wasn't gay... Am I gay ? I know I'm not straight. 'Cause of Newt and all. Could I be bi ? Could I shucking be bi ? I mean... I did think I liked liked Teresa.

Wait. Why am I shucking questioning my whole existence right now ? She's just a girl.

A beautiful, strawberry blonde girl, but just a girl.

"Tom, are you coming ?" Teresa asks me.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry. I just... I'm coming," I tell her. I walk with her to math and we enter the class almost unrecognizably. Almost, because everyone turns their head and looks at us — or me — as soon as we enter. They all think they know who I am. That might have been true in the past, but it's not anymore. It's not.

"Let's... let's sit in the back," suggests Sonya.

"Yeah, as if that'll make them watch less," whispers T and she's got a point. But it's worth a try. And sitting in the front will only bring more attention.

"Not during class," I say. Or at least less people will.

That's when I see her again. The strawberry blonde girl. She glances at me before turning her head back to the front of the class. Finally, I recognize her. From the photos Noah and Melissa showed me. There's not so many photos with her though, because we weren't friends for that long, apparently, and when we were, they were... problems. They didn't want to tell me more about it though. Not yet, they said, not yet.

It's Lydia Martin. I like her name, it fits her well. They did tell me that I had an ever-lasting crush on her. And I understand my past self, I mean, woah. Photos really don't have the same effect. The same truth to it.

But I look at her and I see that she is beautiful. But I don't feel as I feel when I'm with Newt. And I'm glad, because I really do love Newt. Yeah, I love him. I said it. Can't believe I said it. I freaking love Newt. My Newt. My one and only salamander. Shut up Thomas. Can't believe I called him a salamander.

The rest of the class went fairly fast. And I already knew everything. Not to brag, but we did get a WICKED education. The only good thing that came out of the whole kidnapping thing.

"Thomas, what do you have next ?" Sonya asks me, and I realize the class is already done.

"Uh, economics, you ?"

"I have English and Teresa has History."

"Okay, well, see you shanks at lunch ?" She nodded and left with T.

I don't why, okay ? I don't know why I went to talk to her. I don't know why. But I did. And for some reason, she seemed to expect it. Or at least, she waited for something instead of leaving the classroom like everyone. So I walk slowly up to her. And she smiles. And I open and close and open my mouth again, but nothing comes out.

"Thomas," she says. She knows my name ? She knows I'm not called Stiles anymore. Wow. But I remember my dad's words. I remember that he said that Melissa talked to her and Scott. She knows that I don't remember anything.

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