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𝙅𝘼𝙉𝙀𝙇𝙇𝙀 𝙃𝙐𝙈𝙈𝙀𝘿 𝙒𝘼𝙇𝙆𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙐𝙏 𝙊𝙁 her car not forgetting to lock it and made her way towards the stadium where the boys will play the Saints. Janelle sported a pink version of Nehemiah's jersey with glitter and rhinestones over the number and name, it was pretty humid and sunny outside so she also wore denim shorts which were supposed to be baggy. Bubblegum pink jordan ones were freshly worn on her feet and her fro worn wild along with two buns slicked at the front were on display.

Walking towards her front row seats were Soraya, and the rest of the teams' family were, were already seated with a few refreshments. Soraya was the first to notice Janelle and jumped up out of her seat, before her mother could cuss her out she noticed it was Janelle she was running to which allowed her to blow out a sigh of relief. "TiTi Nelle!" She screamed wrapping her arms around Janelle's neck making her laugh and kiss her cheeks.

"Hi my baby! How are you?" Janelle asked carrying her over to her mom. "I'm good!" She squealed resting her face in Janelle's neck. "Hey pretty." Janelle smiled at Soraya's mother, Kailie, as they rocked side to side.

"Hey J, please take this lil girl with you, she be stressing me the hell out!" Kailie huffed making everyone cackle. "Mommy that's not true, you called me bigheaded and I called you baldheaded." Soraya spoke with a nonchalant face.

Yep, she was most definately Hunter's daughter.

"Aht! You see! So rude for what? Hunter's child down to a t!" Kailie fussed making Janelle laugh. "Leave my baby alone-"

"LOOK! It's uncle miah." Soraya popped her head up pointing at Nehemiah making his way to Janelle with a large smile.

"Hey mi amor!" Janelle squealed wrapping her arms around him kissing his neck gently. "Hey mama, it's game day." Nehemiah laughed kissing her forehead then lips.

"Yuck! Come get me when you're done titi." Soraya spoke jumping down running to Hunter who was by her mom. The couple laughed at Soraya's exaggeration and pecked each others lips repeatedly making the crowd cheer. Janelle noticed they were on the big screen and laughed throwing her head back.

"You will play extremely well today baby, I just know it. I'm so proud of you, I hope you know that." Janelle smilled connecting their foreheads and closed her eyes, Nehemiah followed suit knowing she was about to pray.

"Father Lord we commit today into your hands as we stand in the stadium. Father we pray that you protect all the men that will pray today and I pray that they play exeptionally well. I pray that any weapon the devil tries to form against the talented group of men performing must perish in the mighty name of Jesus. As we pray,"

"Amen." They spoke together doing the Holy Trinity and kiss each other.

Janelle's tongue crept into Nehemiah's mouth and flicked itself against his as his hands slowly trailed down to her behind taking a slight squeeze making Janelle gasp a little which was the greenlight Nehemiah took to shove his tongue further down her throat. Janelle moaned lightly and caressed the back of Nehemiah's neck as they made out slowly. "Get a room!" Hunter booed at them throwing some peices of popcorn making the team and coaches laugh who said a few words to their loved ones.

Nehemiah smacked his lips at Hunter and went back to kissing Janelle's neck and cheek making her grin widely. "Nigga! Get off of our sister!" Sahad playfully screamed physically pulling the couple away from eachother. "Keep it PG 13 man." Craig laughed.

"It's not my fault my girlfriend is beautiful, I'm just showing my appreciation." Nehemiah shrugged eyeing Janelle up and down when she was in a conversation with Na'mani, Sahad's girlfriend and mother of his first unborn child.

"You are falling hard for her." Hunter spoke patting his shoulder making Nehemiah smile wider. "Look! He's sprung!" Sahad smacked his chest laughing.

"I'm happy for you bro, keep her, she prays for you and the opposing team. What a keeper." Sahad spoke making some of the boys nod their head. "Man, I don't know what thr hell she's doing to me but I will literally die for her." Nehemiah blew out a breath.

"You're inlove Nehemiah, and you shouldn't be scared about it. Love is a beautiful thing if you guys are genuine and transparent through it all. Honesty, communication and trust will take you guys far." Sahad spoke resting his hand on his shoulder.

"Now lets go get this dub gentlemen!" Coach yelled causing the boys to get riled up. Nehemiah snuck a few last kisses in before running off leaving Janelle a blushing mess. "Girl! You are so inlove!" Kailie spoke bumping shoulders with her causing Janelle's eyes to widen.

"Love?! Oh no baby I'm falling hard but it simply can't be love just yet can it?" Janelle asked nibbling at her bottom lip. "Love has no time limit." Kailie spoke softly. "We can have this conversation later baby, I can tell you're getting psyched out." Kailie sighed rubbing her back putting her attention on the field where the boys were in position.

"I can't be inlove this quick can I?" Janelle thought, as her eyes glossed over. She sighed pushing the thought to the back of her mind.


"GO BABY! GO!" Janelle hopped up cheering Nehemiah as he paced down the field to the endzone causing her to scream. "YES BABY!" She cheered once again. He scored the winning touchdown.

Nehemiah immediately ran to the stands and climbed onto it to engulf his girlfriend into his embrace. He picked her up and span her around before placing his lips onto hers. "I'm so proud of you baby!" Janelle squealed partially forgetting about her previous mood killer.

"I love you," Nehemiah slipped out, Janelle's body came to a halt and froze at his words. Nehemiah froze at his words, before he could fully process what was going on, Janelle was out of his arms.

Her biggest fear had come true.

"Man what the fuck." Nehemiah huffed at himself running a hand down his face.

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