Chapter 1

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Scar got up and stretched out. The sound of silent melody and bird chirps filled his ears. A sound oh so sweet to his ears. The smell of freshly baked pancakes filled his room, it made his stomach growl.

His room was a mess. Clothes and pieces of paper everywhere. An unfinished drawing on a canvas was staring at him judgmentally. And Scar stared back, the full image of the painting forming in his head. A dark, foggy night and an alleyway leading to... He didn't know where it was leading him. Maybe to a happier life? A new friend? The end of everything?

Scar stood up and stretched once again, picking up the first pair of pants he could get his hands on, a button-up, and a random short-sleeved sweater to complete the look. 

Scar took his clothes and walked towards his bathroom at the end of the hallway. His parents used the downstairs one so he had the upstairs bathroom all to himself. It wasn't too bad being an only child. Scar opened the door and closed it behind him. 

He dressed in his clothes and moved to the sink. Not bothering to brush his teeth Scar grabbed a comb and began to brush his hair. Untangling his hair was a pain. At times like these he wished to cut it, but he knew how much he would regret it later. He wasn't really in a mood to do anything crazy, so he simply put it in a bun. 

He left the bathroom and went downstairs. His father heard Scar's steps and turned to look at him. "Good morning! How did you sleep?" Scar went to the whiteboard and cleaned yesterday's pronouns instead writing he/him. "Good... I was having an amazing dream, but no! You had to ruin everything!" His dad laughed. "Don't be so grumpy kiddo. There!" 

A big plate of pancakes was placed in front of Scar. "Eat up. You're not you when you're hungry!" Scar rolled his eyes, but a smile formed on his face. "Thanks, dad." His dad came back to the stove, flipping the pancakes. "No problem." Scar began eating, but he noticed something off. "Where's pa?" 

"He had an early shift today, so he left earlier. Cub got sick or something like that..." Scar hummed in response. "Will you drive me then?" Without turning to look at Scar he answered. "Sorry, you'll have to take the bus. Pa took the car for today, it was his day either way..." Scar looked over to the cuckoo clock, it was hanging over a white-brick fireplace. He snickered, that name of the clock always made him laugh. The time seemed to fly by.

"I should probably get going then. Don't want to make a bad first impression!" Scar said mimicking his dad's voice while standing up from the table. "I do not sound like that!" Scar giggled. "Sure, dad... Sure..." 

Scar left the kitchen and began to put his shoes on, not forgetting to grab his backpack. He was so thankful for the past him for packing the bag beforehand. "Love you, Scar! Have a great day! And if something happens don't hesitate to call me!" He opened the front door. "Love you too! I will! Bye!" 

Scar closed the door behind him and turned right, heading to his bus stop. When Scar reached it, he noticed that there were other people there. He was glad to see other students, which made him sure that he wasn't late. Just seconds later a school bus was at his stop and he was very pleased about it. It didn't give other people the opportunity to stare at him. 

Scar was the last one to get on the bus. He began searching for a seat, making sure to keep his head down. He found a free one and sat down, pulling out his phone. At the next stop, some kid sat next to him but didn't pay any attention to Scar. 

The whole bus ride Scar was invested in his phone and didn't look up once. Minutes passed and the bus was already letting students off. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, Scar got off with the bigger part of the students. 

The school was like any typical high school, 3 flat tall, and bright. Maybe a little too bright. Scar took a deep breath. He wasn't sure why was he so nervous. It probably had something to do with the bullying. 

Before he could panic, even more, Scar walked in. He was very sure if he wouldn't do it, he would run away. 

He needed to find the principal. On the open-door day, he was shown the principal's office and all the classrooms. 

The principal's office was on the left of one of the English classrooms, so he headed right there. Scar made sure as he walked by no one would be touched by him. But it was crowded and it was very hard to do. It was overwhelming. Scar felt the panic rise in his chest. It was hard to breathe. 

Scar walked faster. Not as careful anymore. He just needed to escape all of the people. Luckily the principal's office was just on the corner. He turned the corner.

"Watch where you're going!" Scar rubbed his arm. "Sorry!" He speed walked away, feeling embarrassed. 

He reached the principal's office and opened up the door. "What do you want, young man?" He was met with a sweet secretary's smile. She looked like a sweet lady, not older than 40. "I- I'm new here and the principal needs to give me my schedule so..." The secretary nodded. "Wait here." She stood up from her table and walked over to a door Scar didn't notice before. 

That gave him some time to look around. It wasn't anything special, a dark, wooden table, a nice office chair, milky white walls, and a bookshelf with a lot of neatly placed folders. It was very simplistic. 

The door to what Scar assumed was the actual principal's office opened and the secretory exited. "The principal is waiting." Scar nodded and stood up. He walked into the office and closed the door behind him. 

"Hello! You must be Scar, right?" Scar smiled. "Yes." The principal gestured towards a chair in front of himself. "Sit down. I want to talk to you." Scar hesitantly looked over to a clock that was hanging behind the principal's table. "Don't worry, the teachers will understand. Now sit down." Scar did as he was told.

"I heard what happened in your old school and I won't let it happen in here. We don't tolerate bullying and look at it very seriously. If anything happens. Anything... Please come to me or any other staff. We want to keep this school a happy place where you wouldn't be afraid. Okay?" He nodded and the principal smiled. "Very good." 

The principal reached under his table and handed Scar a paper. "This is your schedule. Now let's go. I will show you your class." The principal and Scar stood up and left the office. 

They walked in the hallways and Scar noticed how everyone moved out of their way and went quiet. They reached the English class and the principal opened up the door. All the students turned their heads and immediately stood up. 

The principal stepped forward and gestured to Scar who was following him. "Introduce yourself." Scar smiled nervously and looked around. "Hi. I'm Scar." The principal gestured for him to keep going. "I recently moved here. I enjoy painting and yeah..." The principal put a hand on his shoulder. "Go sit down." And Scar did just that.

Scar was sitting in a crowded classroom full of people. Over an unlucky incident, Scar's pen was under the boy's in front of him chair. Scar cursed under his breath and gathered all of his strength. He tapped the boy's shoulder. "Sorry, could you get that?"

The boy leaned over and picked up the pencil. The boy turned to look at him and Scar was sure that he looked pale as a ghost. "Grian?" 


1347 words

Hello! I'm so happy to write this! And if you haven't yet please read Addleworth! Otherwise you will be confused in some parts. 

What did you think about this? I decided to change my writing style a bit lol

-Ollie :]

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