The Terry Silver?

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I road my skateboard home from school and walked inside. "Hey Mia, how was school?" My mom said. "Terrible." I sighed. "What happened?" My mom asked. "Well i failed my stupid math test." I said. "What did you get on it?" She asked. "A 45." I replied. "Well." She sighed, "at-least you tried." She said. "Thanks." I said.

I ran up to my room and put my favorite "Tears For Fears" vinyl into my record player. I finished my english essay. I guess i was pretty good writer. The only class im not failing is english. I guess I don't get the point of school. Id rather just learn what i have to do without having to do work for it.

"Mia!!" My mom yelled. "Come downstairs we have to go to the store. I threw on my converse and leather jacket and ran down stairs. Me and my mom hopped in the car and drove to the store.

We walked into the store and grabbed our stuff. My mom saw a few of her friends and we talked to them for a few minutes. We started to walk back to the car when my mom said, "I'll be back, i forgot to grab milk and cheese." "Okay."

I stood there for 3 minutes.. 5 minutes... 11 minutes.. then i saw some creep looking at me. He was short, fat, and bald. He was slowly walking towards me. I didn't want to leave and confuse my mom so i stood there waiting.. hoping my mom would be back soon. The guy was super close, but then some guy with long ish black pulled back hair and some fancy dress clothes stepped in front of me and acted to know me. The creep walked off.

"Uh- thank you so much." I said. "No problem." He said smiling. "The names Terry Silver." He shook my hand. "Nice to meet you, im Mia McCarty." He smiled at me and i smiled and blushed back. OH MY FUCKING GOD WAS HE ATTRACTIVE. I had a thing for older guys, i mean older then me he looked around late 20's early 30's. I am 17 tho. He was just about to say something to me when my mom walked up.

"Hi Mia, who is this?" She asked. "Uhm sorry mam," terry said, "some creep guy was looking at your daughter and i walked up to her and pretended to know her so he didn't do anything." He said. "Oh my god, thank you." My mom said. She hugged Terry. "Its no problem mam i would rather help out then see something horrible happen." He said. "Oh did i catch your name sweetheart?" My mom asked. "The name is Terry Silver." "The Terry Silver?" My mom asked. "Yep, most people are surprised when they meet me." He laughed. We talked for a few minutes then Terry said, "Can I take you guys out for a dinner?" "If its okay with you!" My mom said. "Thats great!" I said.

We drove to some fancy restaurant. We parked next to Terry's car and walked in. "I feel underdressed." I said. "Don't worry." Terry said. We walked in and sat at a booth. We all picked up a menu. Me and my mom shared the "what the fuck" look. It was all this fancy food and it was so expensive. "Dinners on me by the way." Terry said. My mom sighed of relief. I kinda did too.

"Uhm Mia, do you have any hobbies?" Terry asked. "I- i like writing and playing electric guitar." I said. "Thats pretty cool, i own a karate dojo, you should come try it out sometime." He said. "Uh sure!" I said. I didn't really think karate was my thing but i would be up to try it to see Terry again. He took a note pad and wrote down the dojos phone number and his personal phone number with a heart drawn next to it. (My mom obviously didn't see that part.) He smiled at me and slid the paper across the table. I smiled and blushed back.

The waiter asked what we all wanted. Terry and me ordered the same fancy pasta dish and my mom got a fancy steak, we also got drinks. We were talking until our food came. My mom took a bite of her steak. "Oh Terry, this is wonderful! Thank you!" She said. "No problems mam. I appreciate you and especially your daughter for wanting to join our dojo." He said. We ate our food and chatted about random things. Before desert my mom went to the bathroom.

"So. Mia, are you gonna call my phone tonight?" Terry asked. "Uh- y- yeah of course." I said. He got up and slid over to my side of the booth. "I make you nervous sweetheart." He whispered in my ear and grabbed on my thigh. I smiled at him and blushed. "Sweetheart, you better call me tonight." He whispered into my ear again. "I will sir." I whispered back. He smiled back at me and slid over to his side of the booth before my mom came back.

We sat down had more small conversations about stuff that I wasn't really listening too. I was too busy looking at Terry. He was so handsome, beautiful and breath taking. I zoned out just staring at him and imagining things i shouldn't have been when i finally came back to hearing terry and my mom snapping in my face, "Mia?" "hello??". "Oh my i- i'm sorry, i zoned out i honestly didn't mean too." I said. "Hey, it's okay, im sure your tired." Terry said.

We finished up and left. Terry and my mom hugged goodbye and he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. "Bye Mia, call the dojo number Tomorrow!" He said. "Bye Terry." I smiled. He smiled back.

Me and my mom drove home. "You are so lucky for Terry." My mom said. "I know! Im so grateful." I said. I was more then grateful for Terry. He was gorgeous. We got home and i told my mom I was gonna try to get my math grade up. So I ran upstairs and dialed Terry's personal number

"Hey darling." Terry said. "Hey." I said back. "Im so glad we met today beautiful." He said. "Me too." I giggled. "So, obviously your 17.. what are we gonna do about that." Terry said. "Well, its October, my birthday is in January." I said sighing. "Mia, thats like 4 months I cant wait that long." He said seductively. "Well theirs always consent from my mother or.. well we do it the illegal way." I said sighing. "I think.. we might have to do the last thing but secretively at-least until you turn 18." He said. "I think your right, my mom would never give me legal consent to that." I said. "Well love you should go to sleep, I already have your name written in the dojo's records but you need to call tomorow to fill in some info." He said. "Yeah I will goodnight Terry." I said. "Night love you." He said. "Love you too." I hung up the phone.

I changed into pjs. Closed my window and blinds, and cuddled up into bed.

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