Playing with fire.

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"Mia wake up!" Terry said. "What the fuck?" I questioned. "Get your ass up now." Terry said. "Fine." I yawned. "What the hell is your problem?" I questioned. "The problem is somebody burned down the dojo, the cops are asking all of you guys questions and you need to get up." Terry said. "Fuck. Those little shits are playing with fire." I said. "You know who it is?" He questioned. "Terry I thought you were smarter then that." I said. "Fine. Yes. Your thinking it's Ali and Daniel?" "Yes I am." I said. "Well, get dressed and were going down to the station Mike and Johnny are already there." He said.

I ran to the bathroom, pulled up my hair, put some lipgloss and mascara on. I wore this outfit:

We got into Terry's car and drove down to the station

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We got into Terry's car and drove down to the station. "What time is it?" I yawned. "2:34" He said. "Fuck it's early considering the fact you railed the fuck out of me 3 hours ago." I said jokingly. "Funny joke. Keep your mouth shut about it." He said sternly. "Fine." I sighed and looked out the window. It scares me when Terry is pissed off. Any men really. Im scared that their gonna be like my dad.

We got out of the car. "Hey." I said to Johnny and Mike yawning. "Hey." Johnny yawned. "Hi." Mike said. "Okay. Done social time lets go inside." Kreese said. We all walked inside. I saw Daniel and his mom and Mr Miyagi. Then on the other set of chairs was Ali and her parents. "Jesus Christ." I said. "I know right." Johnny replied.

We walked into the detectives office to get questioned. "Please sit." The detective said. We all sat down. "Mia, do you have any idea of who you think did this?" He asked. "I don't want to point fingers, but I think Ali and Daniel had some thing to do with it." I said. "Well, your guess is correct, Ali and Daniel both admitted to committing the crime. Court will happen on the 17th. Some sort of punishment will happen to them both." He said. "Damn." Johnny said. "Be respectful Johnny." Kreese said. The detective continued to talk to us, saying things like to stay away from them and to stop making drama.

We all went outside. Johnny and Mike hugged me. Terry had a pissed of face when Mike hugged me. Little does Terry know I've fucked Johnny too. I'd call myself a slut. Im not very popular but I know damn well every guy wants to get in my pants. "See ya'll at school." I smiled. "Bye hottie." Mike said. I had the huge urge to piss Terry off. He pissed me off so I guess I will do the same. "Uh Mike are you free tonight?" I asked. "Yeah I
am. My place?" He asked. "Of course!" I smiled.
We all said our goodbyes and we got in the car.

"What the hell Mia?" Terry asked. "You told me to shut the fuck up about this relationship, so I guess it doesn't exist. So, I need a relationship. Right?" I said. "Mia, I apologize for being an asshole honestly. I want to be in a relationship with you. I don't want to be secretive and I definitely don't want it to end. Go hookup with Mike tonight, even Johnny but after that keep your legs shut, only for me." He said. "Terry, I apologize, I shouldn't have done that." I said. "Its okay love." He said, hugging me.

By the time we got home it was almost time for me to wake up and get ready so I just took a shower and took my time getting ready. I put on a pretty cute but hot outfit if i'd say myself:

 I put on a pretty cute but hot outfit if i'd say myself:

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I walked out of my bathroom. Terry did the arm thing he always does. "Jesus fucking christ, your fucking gorgeous." He said. "Thank you babe." I said. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Halloweens coming up pretty soon can I throw a party here?" I smiled. "That's a lot to ask.. Yes that's fine, let me know about certain decorations and food pretty soon so I can buy stuff and have the maids prepare." He said. "Thank you." I said, kissing his lips. He grabbed ahold of my waist and sat me down on the couch. He rubbed his hand across my thigh, and up my body. Rubbing my tits. We continued making out until it was time for me to go to school.

He pulled away from my lips. "God your stunning, you got to get going tho." He said. "Fine." I sighed. "But, I won't be home until late tonight because of seeing Mike so please don't freak out. I'll call you if anything changes." I said. "Thank you Mia, i appreciate it. Have a good day. Have a good time with mike as well." He said. He kissed me on the forehead and I left.

I got into my bmw and drove to the school. I pulled up next to Johnnys mustang and Mikes on the other side of me. I got out of my car and walked over to Mike And Johnny. "Hey beautiful." Mike said. "Hey." I replied back. "You seem pissed off." Mike said. "Nah im okay." I said. "We don't have to do tonight honestly I have other plans too." He said. "I'm sorry Mike. I think we should just stay friends. Im aware of our past but I'd rather not again." I said. "You had sex with him to?" Johnny asked. "You've had sex with Johnny?" Mike asked. "Okay let me explain, the night of the party I fucked both of you basically." I said. "Damn." They both said.

School was about to start so I ran over to the payphone. I dialed Terry's number. "Hey Terry it's Mia." I said. "Something change darling?" He asked. "Yes, I am coming home after karate plans changed with Mike." I said. "Great, see you there darling." He said. "Love you." I said. "Love you to." He said back. I hung up.

I ran to first period and realized that I had to run back to the office because of the detentions. I ran half way across the school to the main office. I went to the front desk. The old lady looked at me. "Can I help you?" The lady said. "Uh yeah can I go to the principals office please?" I asked. "Go ahead." She said.

I walked into the principals office. "Mia your late." The principal said. I saw Mike, Johnny, Daniel, and Ali sitting there. "Uh yeah im sorry about that sir I forgot about the detentions so I ran to first period and realized." I said. "Don't be late again." He glared at me. I sat down between Mike and Johnny. "What the hell are we supposed to do?" I asked. "I don't fucking know." Johnny said. "Quiet." The principal said. I eventually took out a book and read the whole damn thing. By the end of the day I was done a book and starting the next one. I usually hated books but it kept me sane.

The bell rang to leave. I walked to my car. "We cant even participate in Karate this sucks ass." I said. "I know." Mike sighed. We all drove down to the dojo. We all walked inside. "Rest of you change up, Mia, Mike, Johnny go clean." Kreese said. "Actually Sensei Kreese, I need to talk to Mia for a minute." Terry said. "Go ahead Mia, Johnny, Mike. Go clean toilets." Kreese said. Terry pulled me aside in his office. "Hey darling." Terry said. "Hey." I sighed. "Bad day?" He asked. "Terrible, i read a fucking book and started another one in detention and I can't even do Karate." I said. "Hey, I can't do anything about the detentions but I will talk to Kreese about the consequences to lighten them." He said. "Thank you." I smiled. We both kissed and I walked out of his office.

I went to the bathrooms to clean toilets. Obviously we were not gonna actually clean the fucking toilets. Johnny brought some "coke". We were sniffing that shit like it was the fucking end of our lives. I don't remember anything else. I woke up in the hospital in a bed and Terry was sitting there. "What the hell?" I asked. "You overdosed on some cocaine." Terry said. "Fuck." I said. "Im not impressed at all." Terry shook his head. "Im sorry." I lost consciousness again...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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