Shes got a fire that one.

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I woke up to my alarm clock going off. I yawned. Today was gonna be a good day. Hopefully. Well I get to see Terry today.

I curled my hair and put a bunch of hairspray in my hair. I mean it is the 80s hairspray is like needed. I put on jeans and a band t shirt. I put on lipgloss and mascara, threw on my shoes and ran downstairs.

My mom is usually at work so I have to drive myself in my shitbox of a car. Im grateful I have a car but it is kind of embarrassing to see people with nice brand new cars. Especially Mike Barnes, my bully. I don't know what I did to him but apparently he hates me. I grabbed a banana and got in my car and drove to school.

I had to stop at a payphone to call the dojo so I left my house pretty early. I dialed the number Terry gave me. "Cobra kai karate, how can I help?" Terry said. "Hey Terry its me." I said. "Mia, you actually called." He said. "Of course I did." I said. "Well, i need your birthdate, payment info stuff like that." He said. "My birthdays January 3, 1972." I said. "Dang your pretty young." He said. "Well I am 17." I giggled. "Payment method?" He asked. "Fuck my mom doesn't even know i have to pay uhm give me a minute." I said. "Darling I got you don't worry about it." He said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Honey, I wouldn't have said if i wasn't sure." He said. "Thank you Terry, honestly I appreciate it." I said. "No problem, see you after school, i got you a gi ready and it starts at 3." He said. "Thank you." I said. "Your welcome, have a good day." He said. He hung up the phone.

I drove to school and I was still pretty early and I parked near the front. I sat and read a book, and a fancy car pulled up next to me. Mike fucking Barnes. I sat there and acted like I didn't notice him. I herd a knock on my window. "Roll it down Mia." Mike said. I rolled my window down, "What do you want Mike?" I asked. "Hey i'm not here to bully you." He said. "Okay then let me ask more politely, why are you here Mike?" I said. "I want to apologize to you." He said, "im sorry for being rude to you." He added. "It's not a big deal, but theres gotta be something you want." I said. "No, actually I herd you were joining cobra kai." He said. "Hmm your in cobra kai too." I said. "Yeah, your welcome to sit with the cobra kai table now." He said. "Maybe ill try it out." I smiled. He walked off with some of his friends and I got out to go to first period.

I sat down and got a note passed to me. I opened it and read a bunch of apologies. I looked back and smiled at all the people who wrote their names. Mike looked at me with apologetic eyes.

The day went buy pretty fast, i sat with the cobra kai table at lunch and they all were excited to have me joining cobra kai. I guess things change when you start doing something that everyone else does. I took a ride with mike down to the cobra kai dojo.

We walked inside to having Terry and some other guy greeting us. "Hey Mia, i guess you have already met Mike." Terry said. "Yeah, we are kind of friends." I said. "Mia, this is your other sensei John Kreese." Terry said. "It's nice to meet you sensei." I said. I bowed. "Nice to meet you to Mia." Kreese said. "Sensei Silver and I have high expectations for you Mia, prove to us that your better then our expectations." He added. "I will try." I said. I got handed a gi.

I walked into the changing rooms. I brushed out my hair, pulled it up, and put on the gi. I was the only girl but I didnt care about that. I wanted to prove that I could beat Terry and Johns. expectations.

I walked back outside and sensei Silver and sensei Kreese introduced me. "Everyone we have a new student, meet Mia McCarty" Kreese said. "One more thing," Terry added, "Since Mia is a girl, please be a little easier on her and don't try to break any of her bones." Terry said. "Sensei Silver I appreciate you for looking out for me but i'm pretty sure I can lookout for myself." I said smirking. "With that lets start todays lesson, grab the mats." Terry said. I looked over at Terry and him and John were talking and John said , "She's got a fire that one." He pointed at me. "Sure she does." Terry agreed.

I was partnered up to fight Mike Barnes. He tried to knock me over from my legs but I scored a point and hit his stomach. "Your better then i thought." Terry said. "Thanks sensei." I said. We kept fighting until I won. "Good job mia." Mike said. "Thanks." I said.

Everyone went to the changing rooms when sensei kreese called me. "Mia, can you come to my office?" He said. "Of course." I said. Me, Kreese, and Terry sat down at his desk. "Mia, i have 2 things to tell you." Kreese said. "Number 1, your work today was exceptional. For you to beat our karate champion Mike Barnes. That is very impressive." He said. "Yes Mia, you are amazing, you definitely exceeded our expectations. Terry said. "Thank you." I said smiling.

I was about to get up when kreese said "one more thing." "I'm sorry." I sat back down. "I actually have some bad news for you." Kreese sighed. "Your mother got into a bad accident and she is alive but isn't conscious and she will be in the hospital for awhile." He said. The world felt completely silent. I felt my body start shaking and the tears rolled down my face. Terry got up from his chair and hugged me. "Wh- what is gonna happen now?" I questioned. "Well your mom was conscious for a few minutes and she said you could find a friend to stay with or go with your father in Texas." Kreese said. "My father? What the fuck. I haven't seen that peace of shit since i was 7." I said. Terry frowned. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud." I said. "Hey, its okay, if you need a place to stay you can stay with me." Terry offered. "Really?" I asked. "Of course." Terry said looked at me with sympathy.

Terry offered to stop at my house and grab a few items i needed and we drove to his house. He opened the door for me and we walked inside. "Terry your house is beautiful." I said. "Thank you darling." He said. I looked around for a few minutes. "Make yourself at home." He said.

He gave me the option to have my own room or stay with him but I wanted to stay with him. We ate dinner and we were laying and watching tv. "Hey uhm I'm probably going to bed, i don't wanna be up to late since school and stuff." I sighed. "Your planning on going to school?" Terry questioned. "Of course i am." I smiled. "I mean, i wasn't expecting you to but good for you." He smiled. "I guess with my mom being in the hospital I want to get better grades to impress her." I sighed. "Your a good person for doing that." Terry said smiling.

We walked up to Terry's bedroom. Terry set his alarm for 5:30 am to wake both of us up. He kissed me goodnight and we both fell asleep.

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