your wish is my command princess.

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I herd the alarm go off. "Good morning love." Terry said in that sexy ass morning voice. "Morning." I smiled. "God your gorgeous." Terry said. He moved the sheet off our bodies and looked the "i wanna fuck you" look. "Terry.. tonight? I don't want to be late for anything." "Fine." He sighed.

I got ready. I put on ripped acid washed jeans and a cobra kai tee. I pulled my hair up, put some makeup on and went to the main area where Terry was waiting for me.

"You ready?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "Whats wrong sweetheart?" He asked. "I dont know." I sighed. "Hey, if school is too much then you can stay home." Terry said. "No, i want to try." I said. "Okay, if you need to come home then call." He said.

We drove to school. He dropped me off in the front and I got stares from everyone. Mike walked up to me, "what the hell?" He questioned. "Its a long story." I said. "Spill." He said. "Fine, my mom got put in the hospital and i didn't know where I was going so Terry offered me a place to stay." I sighed. "Oh, well i hope she gets better." Mike said. "Me too." I frowned.

It was lunch and some little freak kid walked up to Mike and dumped his drink on Mike's head. "What the hell?" I slapped the kid. "Woah chill out, this your girlfriend Mike?" The kid said. "No Daniel, now watch out before she kicks your fucking ass." He said. "Try me." Daniel said. I took his tray knocked it out of his hands and smacked it across his face. "Stay the fuck away from us you fucktwad." I said. "Cobra kai is ass." Daniel said. Daniel's little fuck toy walked up to us. "Leave him alone!" She said. "Fuck both of you dumbasses he started it." I said. "At least my mom didn't get into a car accident." Daniels girlfriend said. "Oh now you little shits have started it." I said. One of the guys pulled me and mike away from Daniel and his girlfriend. "Keep it for the tournament." Johnny said. "Fine but if that little bitch wont stay out of her fucking business then i will rip her precious blonde hair out of her head."

The day continued like usual. Getting glares from Daniel and Ali and their little friends. The day ended with getting a pile of homework. Fucking teachers don't have any sympathy at all apparently even tho Terry notified the school.

The cobra kai gang walked out to the parking lot and my car was spray painted on. What. The. Fuck. It said, "mikes little slut toy". Ali. I was crying at this point. My week has been so shitty besides meeting Terry. Johnny ran to the principal and got the offices attention. Mike called the dojo to let Terry and Kreese know. Not even 5 minutes later one of Terry's sports cars whipped into the parking lot. He didn't even park straight and they both looked fucking pissed. The time flashed by and next thing i knew it was all of cobra kai and Ali, Daniel, and this mr Miyagi guy.

"How did this all start?" The principal said. "Daniel dumped his milk on mikes head, so i slapped him, then Ali was all mad and it started drama." I said. "In my defense the drama between me and mike has been going on for weeks." Daniel said. "That doesn't mater." The principal said, "Ali, Daniel, Mike, and Mia, detentions for all of you for a week." He added. We all sighed and left.

I rode with Terry and Kreese back to the dojo. "How the hell did you get a detention the first week your involved with cobra kai you get a week of detentions." Kreese said. "I have no clue." I said. "John leave the poor girl alone, shes been through a lot this week." Terry said. "Fine."

We got inside the dojo and everyone started to walk over to the locker room when Kreese said "No lessons today we are talking." Everyone sat down on the floor. "Me and Sensei Silver are very disappointed in all of you." He said. "Not everyone was involved but the majority of you guys were." Terry said. "Mia, Mike, and Johnny were the most involved tho, which makes me need to give you three some sort of punishment." Kreese said. "No karate for a week." He added on. "Really? Thats your punishment." I sighed. "Hey, don't be an ass about it." Terry said. "Also, save your fighting energy for the tournament and class is dismissed." Kreese said.

Terry drove me to get my car from the school. "Fucking shit box, i might as well get rid of it." I said. "Ill buy you a car." Terry said. "Really?" I asked. "Really. Mia, your a godsend." Terry smiled. I started to tear up. "Terry, you are. I randomly met you and you've saved my life. Like twice." I said. "How twice?" Terry asked. "Well that pedophile before everything with my mom, and offering to take me in so I didn't have to go with my dad." I said. He pulled over and leaned over to hug me and kiss me. "Can I ask about your dad? Or is it to personal?" He asked. "Of course, Well my Dad was into drugs before he met my mom and then they hooked up in Highschool. My mom had me when she was 17. My mom got hooked onto drugs after she turned 18. They had another kid but it died from the heavy drinking, drugs, and smoking. My dad starting hurting her when I was 5. One day when I was 7 it got so bad I called the cops. He got arrested and my mom went into rehab. Lived with my aunt for awhile. She killed herself so my mom came out of rehab early. Some person bailed out my dad when I was 14. He tried to take custody over me, he lost. Then he moved to Texas. Haven't herd anything since." I said. "Oh my god." Terry said. He just hugged me for awhile.

We got to the school. Terry called a truck to bring my car to the dump. He drove me to the car dealership. We pulled into the bmw dealership. "Bmw?" I questioned. "You deserve it." Terry said. We looked around for awhile and I ended up getting a black sports bmw. "Terry honestly I really don't need this expensive of a car." I said. "Honey, I do not wanna hear it. You know me im expensive and that's what your getting. Do not complain." He said. "Yes sir." I smirked. "You don't even know how much that turns me on." He said. "Fuck, drive home. Please." I said.

Terry was going fucking fast. Like 90 in a 35 zone, but who cares. When your rich and got multiple businesses I guess no one gives a flying fuck.

We got home and he ran to my door, picked me up bridal style and ran me inside. We saw a couple of his assistants. "Mr Silver? Are you okay? Is Mia okay?" One of them asked. "Yes Darren, we are fine. If anyone calls tell them im busy and I will call them back later.

Terry put me down on his bed. "Mia, before we do anything, are you sure you want to do this?" He asked. "Aww, Terry I love the sweet side of you, now fuck me. Please." I said sarcastically. "Your wish is my command princess." He ripped off his clothes as well as mine. He stopped for a second to look at my body. "Holy fuck your fucking gorgeous. Look at you being a fucking slut for me." He said. He started thrusting into my body. "Oh- oh- my god" I moaned. He was fucking packing. 9.5 inches. "Only reason im a slut for you is because your fucking sexy as fuck." I said. "God i love you." He kept thrusting into my pussy. My pussy is throbbing. I craved his dick. "Fuck.." I moaned. Terry groaned in pleasure. "God your fucking hot when you groan Mr. Silver." I said. "Damn Mia. Mr. Silver. You really know how to treat a man. This your first time?" He said. "Nope. Ive actually fucked Mike Barnes before." I said. "WHAT?" He about choked on air. "I know surprising... first it started off at a party just giving him a blow job but things happen." I said. "Damn Mia, i guess you've been around in cobra kai." He said. "I guess so.." I laughed. He kept fucking me. "Terry im gonna o". "Hold it just a few more minutes princess." He said. My legs were shaking. I could see the cum dripping down my legs. "Let it go princess." He said. I let go. I think I moaned so loud every assistant in that damn mansion could hear me. "Fuck" I moaned. "God Mia. Your amazing." He said.

Terry and me took a shower together to clean up. "Round 2 blowjob edition?" I asked. "Hmm." He thought. "Im really good at blowjobs. Ask Mike." I giggled. "Fine princess." I got down on my knees and started. "Fuck you cunt." Terry groaned. "Oh my god you little slut." He added. He grabbed onto my hair and was pulling me around. "Faster." He said. I went faster. He came inside my mouth. "Fuck." He groaned. "Little bitch swallow it." He said. I did as he said.

After our shower we were laying down on his couch. He was braiding my hair. "Mia. I don't wanna make this awkward or anything but please on the love of god don't say anything to anyone about this. People could use this against us and I could get serious prison time." He said. "Of course. Im not that stupid." I giggled. He kissed me on the forehead and I fell asleep in his arms.

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