Stronger than love (Embry Call) Part three.

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"Ready or not, here I come" A deep, but smooth male voice chanted.

I was watching myself, like I was watching a movie or something.

I stumbled back against a wall full of grafiti.

A laugh sounded all around me.

I walked away from the wall, it wasn't just any grafiti wall. I watched myself fall to the ground out of fear, I looked up at the wall and saw this ,

"A choice awaits you"

That was it. In big black letters.

I watched as the writing changed into something else. As the imagine became clearer, I noticed it was a wolf. A big one. Suddenly I was looking at a wall no more. I was in the woods The wolf advanced towards me, I stumbled a few steps back. Sudddenly a few more wolves came into view .

I fell to the ground as they crowded around me.

The stopped about two metres away from me.

They looked at something in the distance, I turned, curiously.

Then I saw her, my mother. She wore a long black & dark blue dress, she was holding something I couldnt see in the dark.

As she walked closer the object became clear. It was a birthday cake. With 18 candles.

"Mom... what are you doing here?"

I ran to her but didnt touch her. Maybe if i touched her, she would fade into the air, I couldnt let that happen.

"Happy early birthday sweetheart.." She smiled, not answering my question. I realied it was my 18th birthday in a few weeks.

I was not happy about it.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked again, more seriously.

"I brought you a cake dear. Blow out the candles, make a wish"

"Mom, wheres dad?"

Her face dropped as she looked over to the wolves, I forgot they were here.

"Leave my daughter alone. She can't be one of you."

I turned to the wolves, confused.

I noticed a familiar person standing there. My father.

"She has to be one of us. It's the only way to save our kind" He shot back at mom.

She looked furious.

"It will be her 18th birthday very soon. You can't stop what is going to happen." She hissed.

I've seen my parents fight before, never like this though

"Nothings decided yet. You know that as well as I do"

My dad retorted.

The wolves growled. They looked like they werecready to pounce.

I jumped in front of them,


The wolves whimpered and stumbled backwards abit.

I looked around me and noticed why.

I was surrounded by leaves and strong gusts of wind. I didnt know what was happening.

"Its happening"

The sweet, silky voice of my grandmother stated.


I woke up in a sweat.

I looked at my alarm clock, 9a.m

Thank god , It was just a dream.

Stronger than love (Embry Call)Where stories live. Discover now