Stronger than love (Embry Call) Part Six.

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Gusts of wind blew all around me.

A mini tornado formed.

I spun around, I was in the woods.

"Nyree" a faded, distant voice called out to me.

I kept spinning.

"Who's there?"

The voice started to fade out further.

"Nyree.. you have to choose"

"Choose what?" I asked back, loudly.

"Choose wisely" The voice said, in a small whisper.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

It was no use, the voice was gone.

Suddenly I was no longer in the woods, I was now in a room, a dark room.

I could hear music and laughter coming from the other side of the curtain.

The curtain flaps flew open.

A man was standing there, a dark skinned man.


From what I could tell.

He was wearing a mask,

He outstretched his arm, taking my hand in his.

I was suprised.

He led me out towards the people out there.

It was a party.

There were more people than I knew here.

The man stopped me before walking me down the stairs,

he whispered into my ear,

"Happy 18th birthday, my love"

I looked at him with an expression on my face that would have said, "what the fuck"

He led me out onto the dance floor.

We began to dance, looking into each others eyes. Through our masks.

Suddenly a clock chimed, I looked up,

it was 12 o'clock.

The room spun and we were no longer in a ballroom but in the woods.

and the man in the mask was no longer a man but a giant wolf.

The wolfs eyes met mine.

Then it walked off into the distance.

My eyes followed him.

He stood by a whole pack of other wolves,

next to the wolves stood a crowd of women. Young and Old.

They all looked similar to my mother.

The sky was pink and light for the time of night.

The moon was hidden.

The women began chanting,

"Te re rahuna. Te re rahuna. Te re rahuna. Te re rahuna" over and over.

The wolves began to howl.

I let out a scream,

suddenly everything was silent.

The sky was dark.

The moon was high up.

The wolves were gone. The women were gone.

i was laying on a bed.

My bed.

i turned to look at the alarm clock on my bedside table,

12 oclock.

On the dot.

A clock bell chimed.

Everything went black.


"NYREE!! NYREE WAKE UP!" I woke up to somebody shaking me vilontely.

My eyes opened to the sight of Paul.

"Paul? What's going on?"

"You fainted. I came up to check on you because you just ran out of tje car. I found you lying on the ground, What happened Ree?"

I closed my eyes

"I don't know.. Paul I'm scared."

I opened my eyes.

Paul was gone.

"PAUL!" I screamed.

"PAUL!!" I screamed louder.

I floated up off the ground. I was in mid air.

"Choose" A voice said.

"Choose now"

I screamed and the only words I could think of flew out of my mouth,


I cried.

The voice chuckled.

"Wise decision"

Suddenly I dropped onto my bed.

I lay down crying.

"Shh. Baby, mommy's here. Mommy's here"

I opened my eyes wide,

my mother was laying next to me, stroking my hair.

"Mom, I'm scared." I cried softly.

"There's nothing to cry about anymore, Nyree, it's over"

I was lost.

Mom handed me a photo frame.

The one I had slept with the first night we arrived.

But it was different.

It was a photo of me, my mother and my grandmother.

Me in purple.

Mom in a light red.

and Mama in gold.

Where is dad? and Jeremy?

I wanted to ask mom those questions but a completely different question came out of my mouth.

"Where's Embry?"

Why am I asking about Embry?

A/N ahh. Its so short -.- lol.

I decided this story will not be a very long one by the way.

A few more chapters to go and I will end it. I just think it's more of a short one shot than a long 50 chapter story :)

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