Stronger than love (Embry Call) Part Seven.

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I woke up to a loud noise.

But when my eyes adjusted to the light all I saw was a room.

My room.

I hesitated for a second. Afraid I was still having that awful vision.

But the room stayed the same No spinning, nothing.

I turned to my clock, ..

12 o'clock.... P.M?!?!

I quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom. I hopped into the shower, quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. By the time i stopped rushing I was absolutely puffed.

"Ah she's awake" Emily chimed.

everybody looked up at me,

"Morning sleeping beauty" Paul laughed.

I was so confused.

Had they not seen what I saw?

"What day is it?" I asked. Ignoring any remarks they had made.

"Wednesday.." Jeremy answered.

Today is the day after yesterday.

Well, obviously.

What the hell happened last night?

I don't remember going to sleep or anything.

This is wierd.

My eyes darted accross the room, only to land on the most incredible sight I'd ever seen... Embry.


Our eyes met.

She was here, I was here. No one else was here.

I found myself standing up and walking closer towards her,

she did the same

I wrapped my arms around her waist , she wrapped hers around my neck.

I kissed her.

It was incredible.

Not like any other kiss you have ever experience it was like love... or stronger than love. She was my gravity, my rock.. my imprint.

There is no other explination for the way I feel about her in this very moment.

I am in love.

In a second everything was normal again.

The world was here,

and the boys & girlss were all laughing in the backround.

I looked at her, she looked at me.

All I could see was an angel

Litteraly I saw wings coming out of her, she beamed like she was about to fly out of this room but she didn't .

Just as I was about to ask her of the wings, they disappeared.

She smiled at me.

I grabbed her and pulled her in for a hug .

My world feels complete, cheesy but straight to the point.

"No way bro. They both just imprinted at the same time!" Brady yelled.

"How?" Colin asked. "She's not a wolf.."

"no.. but she is a direct descendant of an ex alpha... her father" Sam spoke.

Her father was an ex alpha?


"no.. but she is a direct descendant of an ex alpha... her father" Sam said in a big voice.

"Whats an alpha?" I asked curiously.

Pulling my head out from Embry's chest.

They sat me down and got to telling me about how All the legends were true.

The werewolf legends.

To mine and their suprise, I reacted pretty well.

I guess deep down I already knew they were true.

They also informed me on imprinting. They told me about how Sam had imprinted on Emily, Paul on Rachel and Leah & Jeremy on each other. and etc .

I, supposedely have imprinted on Embry and him on me.

I think they were right.

Everytime I looked at him, I couldnt help but feel warmth inside me.

He was my gravity now. Like he was keeping me from floating away, although every time he looked into my eyes I wanted to drift off, up into the clouds.

Sam tried to explain to me how Im not technically a wolf yet, but it seemed he didn't quite understand it himself.

I look at Embry, I was a tad scared.

He kissed me. All my fear evaporated.

"Geez embry. Leave my sister alone."

I guessed Jeremy said that. As I AM his sister.

I broke away from Embry's kiss and growled at him. I could feel my body begin to tremble and shake.

"Get her out of here Embry. NOW" Sam yelled in his alpha voice.

Embry picked me up and carried me out into the woods.

He placed me down but still stayed standing by me.

Everyone had followed us.

"Embry stand back, she'll hurt you"

I cried out, angry. That killed me, I would never hurt him. Never.

"She won't" Embry said, looking at me. Like he read my mind.

To my suprise, I didn't phase. But something did happen.

The sky turned gray and big rain clouds formed above us.

It started pouring, thunder was everywhere.

I found myself growing.

I grew higher and higher, I thought i was going to explode. Then I realised I was floating.

My dress waved due to the wind.

I looked down and saw Embry . Suddenly I came crashing back down to earth. Literrally.

I was caught by two strong arms.

Embry's .

He held me and stared into my eyes, dazed.

Suddenly the sky was sunny, birds were chirping and a big rainbow was formed right above us.

What just happened.

I think Sam read my mind, because when he spoke, it all clicked into place.

"The caster legends..." He whispered, kind of loudly.

Then it dawned on all of us..

I AM the girl.

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