Stronger than love (Embry Call) Part Four.

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The boys from last night, plus two more were all downstairs when I eventually pulled myself out of bed.

"Did you guys spend the night?" I asked after I greeted them,

"No sir-eee" Jared said.

"We came back this morning. Figured we'd spend a day with you guys and take you around LaPush." Emily said walking out of the kitchen with two big plates of food.

"Dig in Theres more coming" She added, placing the food on the table.

With that she walked back in to the kitchen with Sam following closely behind.

"Where's Jeremy?" I asked the boys.

they all looked at each other with smirks on their faces.

"With Leah" Colin informed me, with a goofy grin on his face.

The other boys started laughing.

"Be happy for her boys!" Emily yelled out from the kitchen

The boys quickly got off the topic of Leah and Jeremy and dug in to the food.

But I was still thinking about it.

Trust Jeremy to find a girl already.

I grabbed a crossiant off the plate and nibbled at it slowly, thinking about Jake. I don't know why. I miss him though.


Jeremy walked inside the house with a girl hanging off his arm.

I guess this is Leah.

She didn't seem as bad as I thought.

I mean she didn't seem like the kind of girl who would purposely try and steal my brother frok me. She looked sorta alright.

She was gorgeous too.

Not like all of Jeremy's exes, the cakefaces, the sluts, every single one of them.

She looked smart. and well not like a hoe.

When Jeremy introduced me to her, she looked at me sort of nervously. Like she thought I would hate her. I reassured her that I didn't by giving her a 'nice to meet you' hug . She hugged back and sighed a sigh of relief, I'm guessing.

Just then another guy walked in.

So there was another one?

I had just met Quil this morning and now this guy.

He introduced himself to me, His name was Seth.

"Embry's A-wall.. AGAIN" He said emphasizing on the 'again part'

The boys and Leah & Emily all had concerned looks on their faces .

Who's this Embry guy everybody's going on about?

Sam sighed.

"Don't worry guys. He's probaly over at the Cullens' , With Jake?

Like my bestfriend Jake? Yeah, probaly not and who are the cullens? Gosh. I have so much to learn about this place.

Emily noticed the confused look on my face,

"the cullens' are... friends.. of the boys"

I wasn't convinced, by the way she hesitated when she said 'friends'

The boys all snickered.

Emily rolled her eyes at them.

Everything went dead silent.

Stronger than love (Embry Call)Where stories live. Discover now