Part Two

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Lauren's POV

Sometimes getting a second chance is all you need. Sometimes if you screw up that chance there might not be another one. Lauren knew this was her only chance to get Camila to trust her. Throughout the day she couldn't help but try to think of ways that would get the girl to really trust her and not think that she was just trying to mess with her. Okay yeah that was what she was doing but Camila didn't need to know that and that was the only thing that mattered. As she waited in her last class Lauren took a glance at the clock and noticed that school was almost over which meant that she would see Camila soon. She soon felt her phone vibrate as she looked up at her teacher before looking down.

From Normani: I heard you got yourself a lil date with Ms. Prude. Still doesn't mean you are going to win this thing.

Lauren just rolled her eyes and put her phone away, she wasn't even going to ask how she knew about her and Camila meeting up with each other at the ice cream parlor. Then again her conversation with Camila wasn't that quiet so someone probably said something and it somehow got to Normani. Stuff does get around the school really easily and fast. That was a downer about this school but so far no one knew about the bet or if they did they weren't saying anything about it. The bell soon went off as Lauren got up and made her way out of the classroom she soon heard someone yelling her name.

"LAUREN STOP." She heard a girl yell which caused Lauren to stop and turn around to come across none other than Ally Brooke.

"May I help you Ally?" Lauren raised an eyebrow.

"Leave Camila alone, whatever you are planning. Leave her alone and go bother someone else." Ally spoke with anger dripping out of her tone.

Lauren couldn't help but laugh a bit, "Wow, Little Miss Sunshine is getting fierce now." Lauren couldn't help but smirk, seeing Ally get this riled up was kind of fun and it was something that she enjoyed.

"Look I know you are up to something and your friends are probably involved as well, but leave Mila out of this. She just got out of a bad relationship and she doesn't need someone like you messing with her." Ally glared, "So please tell her you don't want to see her or hang out or whatever else you need to do."

God this girl was entertaining, she really thinks I am gonna just go because she told me to, yeah nice try short stuff. "Hmm let me think about it, how about no? And how do you know I'm messing with her? You know I actually could be wanting to get to know her and maybe want to try to become a better person. I thought God taught you to give people second chances."

This must have aggravated her cause she spoke something in Spanish before telling me again to leave Camila alone before walking off. There was this weird pang in me when Ally mentioned that Camila got out of a bad relationship but I just shook it off before I turned around and made my way to my locker and was soon pushed against the locker by the one and only Austin Mahone. Now things were gonna get good, the king of douches decided to come over here.

"I heard you and Mila were hanging out. When the hell did that happen?" He glared.

A smirk appeared on my face as I pushed the boy back, "It happened during English, I'm guessing she is realizing who she would rather be around. I heard you broke up with her, such a shame Mahone, guess now it's my chance to win her over." I winked which seemed to cause the boy to clench his fists.

"You are really funny Jauregui, Camila doesn't even go for your team. So there is no chance in hell you are gonna win her over. I know she still likes me, I just kinda messed up and now I am gonna try to redeem myself."

God this boy was stupid.

"Whatever you say Mahone, whatever you say." I patted his chest before I brushed past him and made my way to the front door of the school. Next stop the damn ice cream parlor to meet up with the girl I had to try to win over.

Camila's POV

Camila was at her locker as she was putting a few things away, she was still surprised that she gave Lauren a chance. She didn't even know what came over her to give the girl a chance but here she was going to hang out with her after school. But first she needed to find Ally to let her know that she couldn't hang out with her. Seeing her small friend brought a smile to her face as she skipped over to her.

"Hey Ally, I know I said I would meet with you after school. But there is a change of plans. Can I meet up with you later so we can go over our math homework?" I spoke softly.

Ally slowly nodded her head, "Yeah sure of course, please tell me you aren't hanging out with Austin. I thought you were over him."

"Austin? Oh no, I'm sooo over him. I'm actually meeting up with Lauren." I ducked my head so I would avoid seeing her reaction when I told her who I was hanging out with.

"WHAT? Why would you hang out with her? You know she is no good. You need to tell her you can't hang out." Ally spoke with some concern in her tone.

"I can't do that, and maybe she isn't the bad girl we thought she was gonna be and maybe she does want to change." I sighed and closed my locker. "No matter what you say Ally it isn't gonna change my mine. I'll talk to you later." I spoke softly before I walked away.

No One's POV

Lauren pulled up to the ice cream parlor as she looked up at the place and then down at her phone, Please tell me I didn't get here early...why are you worried about that. Maybe this can help you slowly start to win her over and slowly get you to win this god damn bet. Lauren thought before she hopped out of her car and made her way inside. When she entered the building she noticed a familiar brunette sitting at a table which caused her to smirk as she walked and took a seat right across from her.

"Well hello there." A smirk appeared on her face.

Camila smiled softly, "Hey Lauren, sorry for getting here a little bit early. I was kind of trying to avoid Austin as he kept trying to persuade me to give him another chance." She sighed.

Lauren scrunched her eyebrows together. "That boy is really desperate. If you don't mind me asking, what happened between you two?" Not that you really care Lauren but if you want to win her over you gotta act like you care she thought.

Camila shrugged, "I mean things between me and him were great. He treated me like a princess but then somehow he was able to convince me to go to this party with him. Next thing I know we were making out in his room and guess he wanted to take things to the next level but I didn't want to. He knew I wanted to wait but then he got really angry and slapped me. Next day he ended up dumping me because I didn't want to sleep with him." She sighed and looked down at her hands.

Lauren could feel her blood start to boil, "You know next time I see that wanna Be Bieber I am gonna give him a piece of mind. No guy has the right to slap a girl and dumping you because you didn't want to have sex. God that boy is stupid, he really lost an amazing girl."

If Lauren was right she was pretty sure she just saw a light blush appear on the girls face as she looked down. "I'm not that amazing." Camila mumbled.

Lauren soon got up and moved over next to her and took her hand.

"You are amazing Camila, you are smart, beautiful, caring. The fact that you are giving me a chance proves how great you are. Don't let what one boy did to you get the better of you okay." Lauren whispered as she looked Camila in the eyes.

This was when Lauren decided to take a chance as she was sure that she caught Camila taking a glance at her lips, but she could be wrong but there was no harm in trying. She leaned in as her lips made contact with the girls, soft pink lips. The kiss didn't last very long as she felt Camila quickly pull away.

"I umm...I gotta go...maybe it wasn't a good idea that we hung out. I'm sorry." She whispered before she quickly made her way out of the building.

Seeing how Camila reacted did cause a slight smirk to appear on Lauren's face. I'm so gonna win this.

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