Part Four

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If you were to ask Lauren if she regretted kissing Camila she would say no, after all if she wanted to win this bet she would have to slowly get Camila to cave and maybe this was the first step. Then there is the fact that the girl kinda ignored her since that moment and it confused the girl. Better yet it was fueling her, she knew she was closer to winning this and she can't wait to get that prize from Normani and Dinah. They kept telling her that she wasn't gonna win this but with how things were going Lauren couldn't help but feel like this was something that she could accomplish, this was a challenge that she can beat.

During the weekend there was something that confused the girl she couldn't stop thinking about Camila and when she closed her eyes she swore she saw her, the young girl was haunting her dreams and it was something Lauren wasn't use to. What did all this mean? Did she actually care about Camila? No of course not, Camila was just a toy in Lauren's game and when she is done using her she will just toss her to the side and find some fresh meat that can satisfy her.

When it was finally time for school Lauren was leaning against her car as she waited for Camila to show up and of course when she saw the familiar brunette she was busy with Ally, the girl that was trying to separate the two. She knew Ally was looking out for Camila and she found it sweet that the girl had someone like that, it kind of made Lauren jealous even her friends didn't care about her that much.

A low sigh escaped Lauren's lips as she ran her hand through her hair before she got up and made her way into the school as she was walking down the hallway she bumped into someone.

"Sorry." Lauren mumbled.

"It's okay...wait Lauren?" Hearing that familiar voice did cause Lauren to look up quickly as her eyes widened.

"Hailee...what are you doing here?" Lauren spoke in a low tone as she slowly backed up.

A smirk appeared on Hailee's face as she walked closer to Lauren, "Guess some things never change, seeing how nervous you get when you are around me." She whispered as she leaned up. "Also you are looking sexier than the last time I saw you." She whispered in Lauren's ear.

Lauren quickly pushed her away, "Stay away from me, you really have no idea how much you fucked me up. What the hell are you eve doing here?" Lauren spoke with anger dripping out of her voice as she glared at the girl.

Hailee just smirked as she slowly ran her finger up and down Lauren's arm, "What no happy to see your favorite girl?" Hailee spoke in a low seductive voice as she bit down on her bottom lip as she moved closer to her.

"No I'm..." Lauren got cut off when she felt a pair of lips on hers and for some odd reason she couldn't help but kiss her back but it didn't take long before she pulled away from the girl.

"No Hailee you can't do that anymore, we have been done for a long time now." Lauren spoke in a stern voice.

"You say that now but I know you will change your mind, I know you still have my number." She winked before she began to walk off.

In the distance Camila was standing on the otherside of the hallway, watching the entire scene happen and she couldn't help but feel her heart drop. She didn't know why she was feeling this way but seeing the two girls kiss was a sight that made her heart hurt. Soon her eyes made contact with the familiar green eyes as she could see the slight frown on Lauren's face, but Camila couldn't do this anymore. She told Ally she wasn't feeling that good and was going to the nurse's office.

Ally didn't see the scene happen and was a little bit worried but told Camila to call her to let her know if everything was okay and if she needed anything.

Camila knew she shouldn't be feeling this way, having these feelings for Lauren was wrong. God didn't accept that kind of relationship and she knew her family wouldn't approve of it. So why was she questioning herself, why was she heartbroken when she saw Lauren kissing another girl. She should have known Lauren didn't really care about her, especially after they kissed. That kiss clearly didn't mean anything to Lauren so why was Camila getting all worked up about it.

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