Part Six

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Ever since that moment in the bathroom Camila kind of distant herself from everyone even her friends. No one understood what was going on with Camila and it was starting to cause Lauren to worry. She didn't understand why she was feeling this way Camila was just a pawn in her game and that was all she was....right?

That kiss kept replaying in Lauren's head ever since that moment and she was starting to regret ever making this bet. She knew she was slowly falling for the girl and she didn't want to hurt Camila in the process of this so maybe it was best that she called this whole thing off. She knew what her friends were going to say when she went to them to tell them that she didn't want to do this anymore.

"I give up." Lauren spoke as she approached Dinah and Normani.

They both looked up at Lauren with a confused facial expression they didn't know what was going on with Lauren and this sudden outburst.

"I mean with the bet." She sighed as she scratched the back of her neck.

"And what is with this sudden change in mind?" Dinah spoke as she raised an eyebrow as she was trying to figure out what was going on with Lauren.

Quitting a bet was never something that Lauren did as she always fulfilled them and would go through with them till she was the winner at the end. But things with Camila were different. She was starting to like the girl and she couldn't even imagine.

"Look it's hard to explain but I don't want to do this stupid bet anymore." Lauren spoke with some anger in her voice.

"Oh my gosh someone has feelings for Camila, don't you? Ms Badass is really a softy at heart." Normani spoke with a smirk on her face.

"What no...Camila was just some stupid pawn in some stupid bet I..." Lauren didn't even get time to finish when she heard a familiar voice.

"I was just some bet..." Camila spoke as she felt tears start to form in her eyes.

"Camila...I can explain." Lauren spoke as she looked at the girl as she reached forward to take her hand but she quickly moved it away.

"And to think I ruined things with my parents because of you. Just...just stay away from me." Camila spoke as the tears just ran down her cheeks as she ran out of the cafeteria.

Lauren stood there frozen, she couldn't believe what just happened. Did Camila really hear this? What did she mean by ruining things with her parents? Oh my gosh did she tell them about what happened? Oh god oh god this can't be happening. Lauren started to make her way to the exit when she felt someone grab her arm and stop her.

"It's better if you just don't." Hailee spoke in a low soft tone.

Lauren swore she felt the tears start to form in her eyes as she fell down to her knees. The one girl that was starting to mean something to hear was gone and she didn't know what she was going to do. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

Graduation Day

Lauren was laughing at some odd joke that Hailee was telling her, over the last few months Lauren kinda distant herself from Dinah and Normani and any of her other friends. But her and Hailee started to get close again. Not in a romantic kind of way cause those feelings were long gone and Hailee knew how Lauren felt about Camila. But since that day Camila pretty much disappeared. No one knew what happened with her, well besides Ally but she wouldn't budge on what happened. Lauren knew if she and Camila were meant to be then somehow they would meet up.

"So I heard you been working on a song, are you going to perform it at graduation later?" Hailee spoke as she raised an eyebrow.

"I was thinking about you know if Camila will show up?" Lauren bit down on her bottom lip. She knew there was a slim chance the girl would show up as she played the disappearing act but she still had hope that she would show up as Lauren worked on a song for the girl and she could only hope that maybe just maybe she would be there.

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