Part Five

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Falling for a girl was never apart of Camila's agenda. Falling for a girl that you knew had a history probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. Camila knew what Lauren was capable of doing and she had to be sure to keep her heart protect. Plus she didn't want to lose her family. But here she was in her living room with Lauren.

"I just need to set some boundaries...okay?" Camila spoke softly as she looked over at Lauren before she looked down at her hands.

Lauren just nodded her head, "Um sure what kind of boundaries?" She raised an eyebrow.

"That can't happen again. You can't just go on and kiss me. You want me to give you another chance but if you pull stunts like that. I can't give you one." She sighed.

Lauren could already tell that this was probably going to be good. Camila on the other hand hated how things were whenever she was with Lauren and the feeling that she seemed to be getting and she needed to find a way to get rid of them.

After a few hours it was time for Lauren to leave and as she left in the distance there was a black car waiting outside as a smirk played on the person's face as they saw Lauren leave Camila's house.

"I think I just figured out a way to get back at you." The person whispered.

Camila was at school as she had a smile on her face as she was at her locker taking out a few books that she needed for her next class and as she closed her locker she practically jumped as she noticed someone was right there as she placed her hand on chest.

"Oh my gosh you almost gave me a heart attack." Camila spoke.

"I'm sorry, I promise you I wasn't trying to do that." The girl spoke, "Oh my bad, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Hailee." She stuck out her hand as she smiled softly.

"Nice to meet you Hailee, I'm Camila.'re that girl that kissed Lauren yesterday. She told me I should stay away from you." Camila spoke in a low tone.

Hailee sighed as she looked down at her hands, "I know she probably did, I don't know why she has a problem with me. Here I thought when I got back me and here can go back to how things were but I guess that isn't happening." She spoke sadly.

Camila couldn't help but frown a bit and feel a little bad for the girl, "Hey I'm sure things will be okay. Plus Lauren seems to get around, I'm sure you can find someone better than her." Camila gave her a soft smile. Even though what Lauren told her about Hailee kept going through her head she just shook her head to get the thoughts out of her head.

How is she supposed to know who is telling the truth and who is not, she doesn't know Hailee that well but from Lauren's reputation how is she supposed to trust the girl. Maybe she should give Hailee a chance and see if she is as bad as Lauren make her out to be or Lauren was just trying to get her all to herself.

Lauren was leaning against the locker as Dinah and Normani were going on about who knows what, in the distance she saw Camila and Hailee talking as they seemed to be having a good time and seeing Camila smile and laugh kind of tugged at her heart.

That should be me making her smile and laugh, what the hell is she even doing with Hailee in the first place. Did she forget everything that I told her? Or maybe she actually wants to try to be friends with her as Camila seems to have a heart of gold who wants to give everyone a chance. But its totally gonna bite her in the ass once she realizes how bad of a person Hailee is. Lauren thought.

"Lauren...LAUREN." Lauren was broken out of her thoughts when she heard someone yell her name as she looked over as she saw Normani and Dinah looking at her.

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