∞ lost ∞

16 4 0

twenty four

"Amelia!" Standing in the middle of the deserted road my voice reaches all corners of the street as I try locate Amelia. She disappeared when she said she was going to get the snacks from her house, but she never came back.

I hope in my mind Nolan is on his way back about now and comes across Amelia on his way home. I can't face telling Nolan his sister is now missing after everything that's gone on around here.

"Hey Ava anything?" Steph emerges from the house walking towards me in a running motion.

"No nothing at all..." I lean down resting my arms on my knees lowering myself to the ground as I sigh.

"It's going to be okay, it's Amelia she can take care of herself." She tries reassure me as she offers me a gentle stroke on my back.

"Yeah I know, I'm just worried. All the time she is the one trying to look after us but when she needs our help we fuck it up." I try to hold back my tears.

"Don't be so hard on yourself Av, she knows you care, you wouldn't be doing this if you didn't!" She makes me realise the reality as I look around my surroundings.

"Maybe you should call Nolan, tell him what's happening, he would want to know." Steph continues her words as that has already passed my mind. Steph is right. I should call him. He has a right to know, it's his sister for Gods sake but I can't bring myself to reach for my phone.

After Stephanie's words she rises back to her feet and makes her way towards the entrance way as I keep my eyes directed to the front of me. After I know Steph has entered the house I slowly reach for my back pocket and pull out my phone.

Taking a gulp I type in Nolan's number then hold my phone up to my ear hoping will answer me.

"Hey what's up baby, You having a good time?" He sounds happy and cheerful oblivious to the situation at hand.

"Have you seen Amelia?" As the words leave my mouth there is a deafening silence on the other end of the line.

"No she's not with me. What's happened?" Nolan answers after the silence in a panicking tone.

"She left. About an hour ago and she hasn't came back we are starting to get worried..." I blurt out my words.

"Shit. Okay, are you okay are you safe, is everyone safe?" Nolan quickly responds which surprises me. I thought he would have angry with me, shouted at me but straight away he is asking if we are okay.

"Yes we are all fine Nolan." I utter under my breath.

"As long as you're all okay." I hear the love within deep and raspy voice.

"I have feeling I know what's happened to her!" He sounds angry as he speaks his words making me question him.

"You do? Do you know where she will be?" Quickly I rise to my feet at the sound of his words.

"I'm on my way back! Go inside lock the door!" He speaks firmly.

"Nolan!? What's happened...." Before I can end my question the phone already cuts off as I sigh and look back towards the house as I make a run for it. As I make my way to the door once I am inside I make sure I lock it behind me.

"You okay?" Steph rushes to me as she hears my footsteps. Nodding quickly I release her from her worries.

"Nothing out the back..." Val enters the passage way joining us as my head is rested against the door frame in guilt.

"Shit..." I utter under my breath. Amelia couldn't have got that far since she left, my mind goes around all of the places she could be. Also why Nolan said he knew what had happened to her.

A car engine parking up outside of the house disturbs my thoughts as the others take a step back.

"It's okay it will be Nolan." I reassure them as they let out a sigh of relief from my words. Steph then takes a step forward towards me.

"You told him?" She is surprised that I took her advice.

"Yeah straight away..." Giving her look of consideration she does the same.

Nolan cuts us by knocking softly on the door, peering out of the front window I make sure it is before I unlock it. Opening the door I pull in for a hug as soon as my eyes meet him. During the hug he inches forwards pulling me back inside of the house and locking the door behind us.

"You okay?" He strokes my head. I nod still in his embrace.

"Are you all okay?" He looks over to Steph and Val as they both nod in unison.

"We all need to stay here..." He utters softly this time as he brushes my face with his index finger softly.

"Thank you for coming." Steph thanks him as Nolan gives a warm smile towards her.

"Did she not say anything before she left?" Nolan questions the three of us to find out answers.

"No nothing at all which is the weird part! She just left." I answer slightly shouting towards his face as am now looking up at him still within his arms.

"Okay..." He gives me considerate eyes then follows with a slight smile.

"I think you should try and head to sleep all of you, I've got in handled tonight. I promise to wake you up if I find her." He reassures us as he looks down towards me for his lasts words.

"If you need anything just shout us." Steph smiles before her and Val exit to their rooms for the night.

"We will." Nolan answers for the both of us.

"Are you sure your okay baby?" He focuses back to me as we lock eyes.

"Yes, I'm just so worried about her..." Sighing I hold him a little tighter.

"I want you to get some rest Ava you need it.." He begs as he slowly pulls away from my body.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay in here alone?" I question his thoughts, I don't want him to be alone especially after what has happened.

"Don't worry about me Ava. I'm okay..." His finger reaches the bottom of my chin as he gently strokes my skin.

"Okay but make sure you wake me if you need anything... even just a kiss." I smile to myself as he takes in my words.

"I will definitely keep that in my mind." He utters while placing a light kiss on the top of my forehead.

"Now go and rest please it will make me feel better." He pleads with his hands praying.

"Okay." I whisper to him as I turn myself around and head for my bedroom.

As soon as I enter my bedroom  I hear his voice once more. Placing my head on the door I listen into his words.

"Please Amelia, call me or text me to let us know that you're safe. Please. We are all worried about you!" He reaches her voicemail as his words break my heart.

"Amelia please..." His voice saddens and turns dark.

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