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Y/N's Pov

Rin wanted to go to Mephy land for a bit, so I happily complied. We spent the afternoon going on all the different rides. The only thing we hadn't done yet was the Ferris wheel. I was actually pretty excited for the Ferris wheel, it's one of my favorite rides. "Hurry up Y/N! We need to get there before the line gets long!" Rin shouted excitedly. He was practically dragging me at this point. I was excited, but I was definitely tired from all the running around we've been doing.

When we got to the Ferris wheel, there wasn't a line at all. In fact, we were the only ones who were gonna be on the ride at all. Just before we boarded the ride, I got an intense chill down my spine. It was the same feeling as the last three times. I was sure now that someone was following me. I did my best to brush it off, but it was definitely starting to disturb me.

Rin and I sat quietly waiting for the ride to reach the top, when it stopped with a jolt. "Thank you Rin for inviting me to hang out with you," I said with a genuine smile. He returned the smile whilst saying, "Of course Y/N. We are staying in the same dorm building, so we should get to know each other. I really hope we can be friends". I nodded in agreement, "I would like that".


We walked back to our dorm building in a comfortable silence. The night air was warm but there was a cool breeze that felt relaxing. The wind started to pick up a bit more, it blew my hair into my face and all around my head. I stumbled on something and almost fell over, but luckily Rin caught me from falling. "Woah there Y/N, you gotta be more careful" he sighed as he helped me stand properly. I pulled my hair out of my face and tied it up into a messy bun. "Sorry Rin, that wind just came out of nowhere and blew my hair into my face" I said whilst giggling. Rin started laughing after I had said that, though I just looked at him confused. I didn't think what I had said was that funny. He shook his head while he was still chuckling, "N-nothing Y/N, it's just that you're kinda cute when you giggle. I just blushed and continued walking. Though I felt an intense aura, it was so strong and honestly pretty intimidating.

Amaimon's Pov

I've been watching Y/N for a few days now, but she finally noticed me today. She just stared at me for like 5 minutes until she blinked. I took the opportunity to hide again. I watched as she continued drawing. A little while after, she got up looking panicked. I watched as she used the magic key to go to the cram school. I decided to head to the cram school to keep an eye on her. I don't like it when she's near anybody, especially him. Rin Okumura. I hated just the mere thought of him breathing the same air as my queen, let alone talking to her.

I had zoned out through the entire class because when I snapped back, I saw Rin talking to her. I could hear him asking her to hang out later. That really pissed me off. What made me more angry was when she happily agreed. She should have said no. But I suppose it's not fair that I expect her to speak to absolutely no one. But dammit, I want her for myself. Nobody should be allowed to even look at her.

I decided to follow her the rest of the night. I watched as she laughed? I thinks that's what brother called it. I loved seeing her like that, but I hated that it was with him. I just stayed in the tree line watching her have fun.

As Y/N and Rin were walking back to their dorm building, a large gust of wind picked up. I watched as it blew through her hair, the wind carried her scent all the way to me. Just the small whiff I got from the wind was enough to drive me crazy. Why the hell does she appeal to me so much. I had to practically drag myself further away from her so I didn't reveal myself.

I begrudgingly walked away from the spot where I was hiding as I headed to Mephisto's office. I had to ask him so many questions.

Y/N's Pov

Rin walked me back to my dorm and went back to his. I locked my door and walked over to my bed. I flopped down exasperated. I was exhausted and my legs hurt like crazy. I sighed in contentment as I kicked my shoes off. I got up and walked over to my window, I locked it and closed the blinds. I pulled off my shorts and shirt before unclipping my bra. I slept almost naked because it felt so nice. I let the discarded clothing fall to the floor, I convinced myself that I'd take care of them tomorrow. I threw myself back on my bed and slithered under the covers. I didn't have to wake up early tomorrow because it was Saturday. I only had cram school in the afternoon.

My eyelids started to get heavy. I gladly complied with the beckon of sleep. I was out within minutes.

All night, I tossed and turned. I wasn't dreaming, but I felt that sensation again. My instincts were telling me to wake up and get the hell out of there. I pushed those thoughts away as I attempted to drift back to sleep. It was no use though. I got up and threw my robe on.

I walked down the hallway towards the kitchen hoping that a glass of water would soothe me enough to fall back asleep. When I got there, there was already a glass of water sitting on one of the tables. I looked around to see if Rin or Yukio was up, but after a few minutes I didn't see or hear anybody, I just grabbed the glass of water and took it back into my room.

Once I got back to my room I immediately realized how cold it was, I turned to see that my window was wide open. "That's odd, I could've sworn that I had locked it before I went to bed" I whispered to nobody in particular. A chill ran down my spine as the possibilities ran through my mind. I literally had to smack myself out of it, I just repeatedly told myself that I had left it open, even though I knew I didn't. It was the only way to give myself any peace of mind.

I walked over to my window wearily before closing and locking it again. I shivered slightly as I took my robe off and laid it over my desk chair. I quickly dove into my bed and snuggled into the blankets and pillows. This time it took a little longer to fall asleep, but eventually I did manage to doze off.

When I woke up, it was pouring light into my room, I gazed over at the clock on my desk, it read 7:28 AM. I sighed to myself, deciding that I was gonna have a calm relaxing morning.


Thank you so much for the few who read this story. I'm so sorry for the long hiatus, a lot of stuff has been going on, but if you continue to read this story, just know I really appreciate your support and I promise to become more regular with my updates.

Love you all!

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