1 - Audrey

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Where the hell did Max go? I thought suddenly. As I was wiping down the tables of my father's restaurant, I'd been admiring Chicago's nighttime beauty. Stars and the streetlamps illuminated the dark sky. Lights shining through the windows of the local shops and restaurants lit up the streets. Across the street, I could see other employees bustling around the premises, performing their closing routines. Some were counting their merchandise. Others were stocking their shelves. A few were cleaning up the messes made by the customers over the course of the day – like me. At the sight of a team of cashiers moving a mess of dishes across the street, I remembered I hadn't seen my coworker in a few minutes.

Sighing, I stopped wiping down the table and went on a small search for my missing friend. It only took a moment to spot his long legs dangling idly over one of the cushioned booths.

I clenched my teeth as I approached him. "Wake up," I demanded, giving him a swift kick in the shins.

He jolted upright from the impact, his brown eyes wide with shock. At the sight of me, the bewilderment shifted to anger. "What the fuck, Audrey?"

"Get up and help me finish cleaning."

"No," he replied simply as he lay back down.

"Why not?"

"Because one, I'm tired; and two, it's not my fault you take a year and a half to wipe down one table."

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe it wouldn't take me so long if you'd get your lazy ass up and help me."

"Maybe I wouldn't be so tired if I didn't have to deal with your annoying ass all day."

I narrowed my eyes. I held my wet rag over the groin of his jeans. Smiling, I squeezed the rag, releasing all the excess water over him. My smile widened as his eyes shot open and his mouth curled into a scowl. "Oops," I said as he sat up. "Sorry, Max. I mistook you for the bucket of dirty water."

"I'm gonna fucking kill you," he growled.

I giggled. "Gotta catch me first." With that, I took off down the aisle.

Max stood up and darted after me.

I weaved around the tables and chairs, desperately trying to deter his proximity. "Slow poke," I teased as I ran in circles around one of the larger tables.

He pushed one of the chairs out of his way and hopped over another one, decreasing a chunk of space between us.

A yelp escaped my lips as his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me against his chest.

He swung me around for a moment, lifting me high enough for my feet to leave the floor.

Wiggling and giggling, I tried to escape his grasp. "Let me go!"

"No. I should body slam your little ass through one of these tables." He lifted me up again as he headed towards one of the damp tables.

"What are you two doing playing around out here?" my father's voice boomed through the restaurant.

Both of us froze. Reluctantly, we turned towards my father's burly figure standing in the kitchen doorway with his arms crossed firmly against his chest.

Max finally released me and pushed me away. "Audrey started it! She poured dirty rag water all over my jeans."

"I didn't start anything. You were the one lying around while I was doing all the work. I had to do something to wake you up since my yelling didn't seem to do the trick."

"You call that squeaking noise yelling? I thought you were trying to communicate with the rodents outside."

I would've jumped on him if my dad didn't stand in my way.

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