23 - Audrey

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"Is all of this really necessary?" I asked Cat, trying to remain still as she swiped blush powder across my cheekbones.

"Yes," she said simply.

I raised an eyebrow. "And you really won't tell me what Max has planned tonight?"

"Nope." She took a step and tilted her head, examining her work. "He threatened to put Nair in my shampoo if I told you. I love you dearly, but my hair is at stake here."

I giggled. "I understand." I watched her flick off the top of a lip liner pencil and begin tracing my lips with its sharp tips.

She filled in my lips with a rose colored gloss. "Press your lips together," She commanded.

I complied, popping my lips together for a moment.

She stared at her finished product for a moment, a smile blooming on her lips. "You're so beautiful!" She exclaimed. "Ah, Max is going to lose his mind when he sees you!" She rose from her chair and walked towards my closet. She pulled out the lavender dress we'd brought this morning.

Earlier, she'd dragged me downtown and forced me to shop around for a dress for tonight. Surprisingly, we found this floor-length maxi dress with comfortable cotton fabric that hugged my curves and hid most of the scars on my chest. My only gripe was that it had spaghetti straps. Although it was March now; it was still cold outside - and I didn't want the scars on my arms exposed to the world. Cat helped me find a cropped white sweater to match the dress.

When we returned home, she washed and deep conditioned my hair. After massaging some leave-in conditioner, we took a little break to let it set. We watched a few episodes of The Haunting of Hill House before she went back to work on my hair. She wrestled with it for a little while, debating if she wanted to tie it up or leave it down. She ended up leaving it down and added more curl activator spray to spruce up my curls.

Now, with my makeup finished, she helped me slide into the dress and slip the jacket over my shoulders.

Hesitantly, I glanced in the mirror at the finished product. I almost didn't recognize the girl staring back at me. My lion's mane of hair was shiny and my highlighted curls bounced with every little move. The bronze eyeshadow teamed with the short false lashes made my light green eyes pop against my brown skin. My eyebrows, freshly plucked and still stinging, were perfectly arched and bold. The liner and color on my lips emphasized their plump shape. In the form fitting fabric, my usually hidden curves were emphasized.

Cat's arms wrapped around me, and she lay her head on my shoulder. "See? You look beautiful," she said.

I smiled. "Thank you."

"Princesa," Papa's voice called up the steps. "Max is here!"

Cat caught the frown pulling at my lips. "Don't be nervous," she said. "It's just Max."

"Yeah, but I...I actually like Max."

She playfully grimaced. "Ew. Why? He looks like he got hit by the ugly train - twice."

I couldn't help but to laugh.

A smile graced her lips. "You don't have anything to be nervous about, alright? This date is well overdue. Just have fun, okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, okay."

She grabbed my hand and led me towards the steps.

The butterflies in my stomach fluttered against my ribs as we descended the steps. I squeezed Cat's hand in an attempt to steady them.

Papa, Daddy, and Max were in the hallway near the staircase. My eyes immediately fell on Max as I walked down the steps. His dark curls were shorter, no longer flopping onto his forehead. His facial hair around his top lip and cheeks were cut close against his skin. He wore a black button up with a few of the top buttons undone, exposing his throat. A black suit jacket and black slacks paired with his attire. His usual Nike's were replaced with shiny dress shoes.

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