13 - Audrey

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Warm sun kissed my cheeks. The wind raked through my hair, my curls bouncing up and down. Soft grass crumpled underneath my sneakers as I ran ahead of my companion.

"Audrey!" He yelled. "Audrey, wait up! You're going too fast!"

I giggled. "Then, hurry up, slow poke!"

My favorite red slide came into view as I finally reached the top of the hill. We were almost there. We just had to run a little bit longer - maybe a little bit faster.

Within the next minute, we could be climbing up the tall ladder into the pyramid-capped tower. Together, we could pretend we were the reigning princess and knight of an imaginary kingdom. We could battle invisible monsters with sticks as our swords and trees as our shields. Then, after a few hours of conquering fictional beasts, we could lay on our backs in the grass and watch fluffy white clouds cruise across the cerulean sky. It could all be so simple.

A hand wrapped around my wrist, the new weight slowing my pace.

I looked behind me, expecting the kind set of green eyes. Instead, I was met with the ones filled with rage. The bubbly sensation in my stomach ceased at the sight. Fear wrapped around my neck as she yanked my arm back. "You're a bad girl," she hissed, her voice dripping with venom. "You don't deserve to play - you deserve to be punished."

"No," I yelled, struggling in her strong grip. My eyes found the playground, so close yet so far. "No! I didn't do anything! No, mommy, please! No!"

"No!" I yelled, shooting up in my bed. Large hands were wrapped around my arms, squeezing tightly. I swung my limbs around, breaking out of the grasp. "No! Don't touch me! Get away from me!"

"Hey, hey, princess, relax. It's me. It's me," Daddy's voice said softly, his southern accent dripping from each word.

I grasped at my chest, desperate for air. Despite my quick and heavy breaths, no air was filling my lungs; it was as if I was drowning. My vision blurred, my surroundings whirling around me like I was on a carousel.

"Audrey," Papa cooed. "Look at me. Look at me." His hand cupped my cheek, pulling my swirling gaze at him. Three of him spun around me. "We're going to breathe together, okay? One deep breath in; one, two, three... Now, one deep breath out; one, two, three..."

Closing my eyes, I eliminated the spinning world and focused on his voice. One deep breath in. One deep breath out. One deep breath in.

"There you go, princesa. Keep going. One deep breath in; one, two, three... And let it out; one, two, three..."

My hands slid across the covers, searching for my fathers' hands. Their warm palms wrapped around each of my hands, steadying my shaking nerves.

Squeezing tightly, Papa continued coaching my breathing.

I followed his voice out of the chaos of my mind. Eventually, I was finally able to reach the surface and gasp for air. I leaned against Daddy's broad shoulder,

"I'm sorry," I murmured. "I'm really sorry."

"Don't apologize, baby girl." Daddy kissed the top of my head. "We're here. You're safe."

Papa wiped at the tears running down my cheeks. "Do you want some water?"

"Yes, please," I replied.

He gave my hand a soft squeeze before leaving my side. He was only gone a few moments before he returned with a bottle of water.

I chugged the water, eager to ease my dry throat.

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