3. Mission/ Meeting Master Ugin

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=====>Suicide Squad Headquarters<=====

(Virgo: Ever since I fought these thugs, the Suicide Squad decided to tell this woman named Amanda Waller the Boss Skinny Bitch of the Suicide Squad who is responsible. She doesn't give a damn about it, back to my story: They decided to tell her that their mission is to take down the thugs who were working with some evil leader and now they will know my existence).

Amanda was looking at the screen on News. 

News Reporter: We are here on live at the warehouse, the police are arresting these thugs but something just defeated these thugs and we saw a hole in the wall....but it appears to be a V mark.

News Reporter: The police also found a footprint that has four toes, it's not a human, an animal or Bigfoot

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News Reporter: The police also found a footprint that has four toes, it's not a human, an animal or Bigfoot. It's not Batman, could it be a new vigilante fighting for us and defeating evil villains. Can it stop all villains, we'll find out till this V for Vigilante strikes again. Stay tune.

Then she turns it off and she heard a door open, it was The Suicide Squad.

Then she turns it off and she heard a door open, it was The Suicide Squad

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Deadshot: I'm guessing you saw the news.

Amanda: Yes, I heard this new 'Vigilante' is on the loose

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Amanda: Yes, I heard this new 'Vigilante' is on the loose.

C. Boomerang: That's right, we saw it in person.

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