7. Problem with Maga Draco

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No Pov.

=====Highway Outside of Gotham City<=======

(Virgo: 4 weeks later, The Suicide Squad kept on searching for me. And I left them a note, they were shocked that I could write. I said: You bad humans are always power-hungry, making us your pawns and others. Earth's Monsters are not your tools, Like Randa used to say: Ancient Species own this Earth long before Mankind and we will take it back. He means Ancient Terrestrial creatures like dinosaurs, dragons, insects, godly monsters, spiritual creatures and more out there roaming around the Earth hidden).

The Suicide Squad shocked that he left, and Deadshot contact Waller.

Deadshot: Uh Amanda, we have a problem!

(Amanda: *intercom* What's a problem?).

Deadshot: Virgo is gone, he disappeared and left the city.

Amanda: *intercom* FIND THAT SON OF A BITCH OR I'LL ELECTROCUTE YOU ALL! You know what, I'm doing this by myself.

Deadshot: Wait, no-.

Then she hunged up on him and he turned back at his team.

B. Tiger: Now what, she will come for Virgo. And we are not in this mission no more.

H. Quinn: Forget about her, let's capture him our own.

Copperhead: And she'll end up having our heads.

C. Boomerang: So, are we gonna get that dragon.

Deadshot: Yes, one of us will tranquilize that dragon before he'll leave this realm.

H. Quinn: *smirk* And what are we waiting for........LET'S BASH SOME HEADS!

K. Frost: Let's get that dragon.

Deadshot: *nodded* Alright........let's capture that dragon.

And they left to capture Virgo before Amanda Waller gets to him.

====>A.R.G.U.S. Headquarters<=====

Amanda got inside of the helicopter, then the A.R.G.U.S. soldiers are getting in their vehicles and they drove off to hunt down Virgo. The helicopter began to lift off and hunt down Virgo. Finally, a pilot spoke to her.

M. Pilot: Ms. Waller, one of our men said that a blue dragon along with the other creatures are leaving the city as soon as possible.

Amanda: *growl* Damn it, we need to get there as much as possible. Block the Highway Road, don't let them escape.

Then he pull his walkie talkie.

M. Pilot: Attention all units, block the highway road and do not let the dragon escape. I repeat, do not let the dragon escape.


(Virgo: Me and my team are leaving Gotham City as soon as possible, as we got inside of the vehicle that no mere humans will know).

Then Spawnzilla was driving with an escape vehicle.

(Virgo: We....kind of stole the S.W.A.T. vehicle for our escape plan).

 vehicle for our escape plan)

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