Don't Be a Baby, Woman Up

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I knew I had to tell my mom. After Alex stormed out yesterday, he hasn't talked to me. I can't say I have made an effort to talk to him, though... Back to telling mom. How do I tell my mother that I made her same stupid mistake. I just called myself a stupid mistake! Why would I say that about myself? I hear the door begin to creak open. Mom.

" Hey mama" I say. She walks inside and sets her bag on the counter. Her eyes light up when she sees me.

" Hey love bug" She says. I smile to myself. I will get to call my kid a nickname, like how my mom calls me love bug. Maybe, sweetheart, or princess. Like Alex calls me... What?

" Mom, I have to tell you something. Something you won't want to hear" I inform. I have to come clean and tell her. I can't not tell her. Maybe I can? No I can't. Focus Brooklyn.

" What" She asks nervously.

" I'm pregnant. I made your same mistake and I ended up pregnant. I'm so sorry" I blurt. Where did that even come from. I was going to ease into it. Say how I knew that it would be hard and how we could do it together.

" You didn't make a mistake sweetie" My mother comforts. What? Okay by now any normal parent would be screaming at me.

" Your not mad" I ask. How can she not be mad. Grams was so mad when my mom got pregnant with me.

" No baby of course not. You have gotten a gift. Now who is the father and have you told the father that he is the father. Please tell me his name so I can stop saying father" She says. She guides me over to the bar stools that stood in front of our island (kitchen island).

" It's Alex Hayes" I say. I pull back all of the tears in my eyes. I need to stay strong. I have to stay strong.

" Okay, as in Alaina Hayes's son" She questions.

" Yeah" I whisper.

" Alright, how did he react when you told him, if you have told him"

" I did tell him and he stormed out of here" I inform.

" When"

" Early this morning. I didn't go to school because of morning sickness" I tell her. I think she already knew that by now, though.

" Let's go over there now and talk this through with them" She instructs.

" No I can't face them" I whisper.

" Come on. Don't be a baby, woman up" She teases. My mother everyone. Why isn't she mad. I can't believe she's not mad at me. I mean I made a huge mistake. I am going to have a baby for crying out loud!

" Fine" I say. I get up and follow my mother out the door. Is this what Grams made her do when she got pregnant? My mother probably told him when she was in labor. Oh how I miss my wonderful father.

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