To The Surface

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Izanami's POV

✩ •̩̩͙ * ˚ ☆ .

Some define freedom as a right to act, to speak or to think as one wants. The truth is that true freedom is being free from the search of freedom. True freedom is when your mind, body and soul feels unchained, but true freedom can also be what one wants it to be.

It can also be described as a bird. A caged bird, looking out on the world of the other breeds that fly freely. That individual in the cage does not scheme to go cage all the free birds. It rather craves the joy of being free with all of its kind. Live with the mind of freedom like the bird. Be joyous with success and freedom of other and help free those that are caged.

Either you are born free, outside the cage, or you bound behind its metal bars, but you can also figure out the way to open the cage yourself.

I've been the bird in the cage for too long and now I have been let out to stretch my wings, to fly high in the sky like a free bird should.

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"Attentions, all hands!" the regerment leader command. "I would like to introduce these new recruits who will be fighting with us starting today!" He speaks loud and clear so all of the others can hear, then he turns towards me, Levi, Isabel and Furlan, we are standing before almost every soldier in the Scout Regerment. "You four, introduce yourself."

I see the look on Levi's face in the corner of my eye and he is glancing at Erwin, who is standing in the front row of all the solders. "The name is Levi."

Some of the ones standing in the crowd are gasping a bit discreet, unfortunately I can still hear them. Have the word about us speed to the surface?


"My name is Izanami Ryokai," I don't hear a single reaction from any of our comrades, though I do see some reactions. Mostly the men are looking at me with wide eyes and I can also see them brushing. Ew.. No one actually knows who I am?!


I look to my right and Isabel takes a step forward. "Isabel Magnolia! Nice to meet ya" Her smile shine brightly and I giggle to yourself. She looks so proud.

After the introduction we all got assigned to a squad and the leader of that squad isn't very happy with the commander's decision. I wonder why we are not in the big brow squad..? I would love to just kick his ass..

"New recruits! Follow me," your new section commander Flagen says.

✩ •̩̩͙ * ˚ ☆ .

The sun is about to set and we are following Flagen to the barracks where we are supposed to live.

From the shadows we will rise (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now