The Cruelty of the World

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Year 845

Izanami's POV

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I wake up, my eyes blinking rapidly as I try to adjust the dim light filtering in from the window. But as I sit up, I realize that something seems off. I feel heavy, as if my limbs are made of lead. I try to take a beep breath, but my chest feels like constricted, as if a weight was pressing down on it.

As I swing my legs over to the edge of the bed, I feel a wave of dizziness wash over me, and I have to grip the edge of the mattress to steady myself. Then I realized the silence. There are no sound coming from outside, no birds chirping or the sound of people out side. It is if the world has stopped.

I look down to see the large scar form the injury I got a year ago on my left thigh. I drag the tips of my fingers across the stitched healed scar and remember the night. Every day I get reminded by my past mistakes, every day I think of what I could have done to make things end differently, but every day I realize there is nothing I can do now.

I stumble to my feet and make my way to the bathroom, my movements are slow and unsteady. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and gets startled by what I see. My skin is more pale than usual and sallow, my eyes are sunken and dark. I look like a walking corps.

As I splash water on my face, I try to shake off the feeling of lethargy that settled over me. But the more I try to shake it off, the worse it seems to get. It's as if an invisible force weighing me down, dragging me deeper and deeper into a pit of despair.

I try to remember the last time I had felt truly alive, but my memories are hazy and distant. It as if I have been sleepwalking through my life, going through the motions without really experiencing anything.

As I stumble back to my bedroom, I caught sight of my necklace on my bedside table. Suddenly, a spark of something flickers to life inside of my chest. It's a memory of happiness, of a time when I had felt truly alive. A

I get dressed and walk out into the world, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And as I stepped out into the bright sunlight I make my way towards the walls, when standing on the highest point in all districts I feel the air enter my lungs as I look up at the clear sky, birds flying over me towards the outside of the walls.

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Levi's POV

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I'm sitting in the office waiting for commander Erwin to join me. As I look out through the window, the bright rays of the sun hit my face, making me squint my eyes. It's a beautiful day outside, with a clear blue sky and not a cloud in sight. I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing to be out there, enjoying the warmth of the sun on my skin.

From the shadows we will rise (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now