"Saving a Friend.. or More.." Pluto x Triton

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I did this this Hunter! On tiktok(v3nus_b1ggest_fan) using the random wheel generator(This is a evil Neptune AU)

Pluto: bold
Triton: Underline
Neptune: Both

Orbit= house
Outdoor Orbit= Outdoor surroundings
Dead Core= Fully decomposed Skeleton

Pluto POV
It's been years since I've seen triton, we used to be best friends! I'm certain they aren't alive. I wish triton would just appear in my hands and hug me like how they have always hugged me, I have to find them, dead or alive. I have already looked through 99% of the outdoor orbits, no triton to be seen, "I'm starting to lose hope.. I wonder what is going on with triton..."

Triton POV
I was just talking to the Europa when I heard a call from Uranus, he was telling me to come over to him "Coming Uranus!". I walked to Uranus looking at his concerned expression "Triton... There has been something that Neptune has been hiding all along...." Uranus Said, I looked at him in a confused way "what do you mean..?" Uranus started forming tears in his eyes "Neptune.. Isn't what you think he is-" Before Uranus could finish his sentence, I heard a bang, then Uranus went silent, blood gushing out of his stomach, before collapsing onto the floor, behind his body, I could see... Neptune..? Holding a.. gun... "You better not tell anyone about this" Neptune said while pulling on my shirt, he let go of me and I was in a state of shock, before making my decision, I ran as fast as I could be grabbed a baseball bat that was on the floor, ran quicker than I could imagine, then bashed me on the head, before I fell onto the ground.

I have already checked everywhere! The only place I haven't checked was Uranus outdoor orbit, but I don't think triton is in there(btw Pluto doesn't know that triton is Neptune's moon) , I looked at Uranus's orbit to see... I forgot to get my vision meds so I didn't know who the hell that was, is was just a blurry cyan blob, I decide to look closer, and it was.. a corpse.. Uranus's corpse, I was in shock so I just froze, before hearing some sounds, then I rushed to the bushes where I hid, it was terrifying, then I saw another blurry blob, I assumed it was a planet but I didn't know who that planet was, but ofc I couldn't get closer. The planet started dragging Uranus's body into.. Neptune's orbit..? I tried to follow them without being noticed but I accidentally stepped on a stick and the planet noticed, I rushed outta Neptune's orbit before the planet could see me. I waited till he went outta Neptune's orbit, I went inside of Neptune's orbit, there I saw Uranus's body tied to a chair and.. 7 others..? The only recognizable dead planet was Uranus, and the first ever rocky planet, I forgot their name, all I know was that the planet had been doing this for a long time since there is literally a REAL dead core, and it takes 25 years for a planet to decompose into a core! Then I heard something, I quickly hid behind the most farthest body to not be seen, but it was closer than before, I was able to get a good look at the planet walking in, it was a sack with them, and it was... Neptune..? I was shocked to find out, frozen before getting my senses together and watching, Neptune opened the sack and dumped out a body, I didn't know who it was since how small that planet was compared to Neptune, then he tied that planet onto a chair before leaving and locking the door, after a few minutes, I slowly walked to the planet, "t-triton...?" I fell to my knees, about to burst into tears, before hearing a sort of sound, but it was coming from triton's body, before triton opened his eyes

Triton POV
I slowly woke up, feeling like a mess, my head hurt,"ugh... where am I-" "THANK GOODNESS UR ALIVE!" Pluto interrupted me, I fully got my vision and was horrified to see all these bodies, including uranus's, "there is no time we have to get out of here" Pluto bit off the ropes before helping me up, I couldn't walk and my legs felt wobbly, I tried to before I collapsed onto the ground "u might have to help me here.." "I understand" Pluto picked me up then tried to open the door, before remembering that Neptune locked it. "So.... How are we gonna get out?" "I have a plan" Pluto plucked out my purple hairpin "Hey! That my favorite!" Pluto chuckles before jamming it into the door lock and running away from the house, while carrying me, "he's strong considering how he's literally smaller than me- wait, I can't be thinking like this rn! Ugh.. he's just so.." I thought to myself, I was blushing like crazy while seeing Pluto carry me... Pluto then went to the nearest telephone booth before calling the police.

Neptune's POV
When I went back into my orbit, I was shocked to find triton was missing, before realizing that triton could have been alive and escaped, "God dammit!" I said to myself before sliding a dagger on the floor into my pocket and rushing as fast as I could. While I was running, someone called out to me "Heya Neptune! Whatcha doing?" It was said by earth, I quickly went into character, "Nothing much friendo! I just gotta do something smallolini!"  "Hmm... Ok! Bye!" Earth said "Bye Bye!", after earth left, I rushed to find triton before finding him being carried by that stupid ass pipsqueak dwarf Pluto... tbh, tricking Pluto was fun but I gotta do what I gotta do, I pulled up a dagger before stabbing Pluto on the back, I knew triton couldn't rn walk so he was vulnerable, so I slowly walked up to him "any last words motherf**ker?" I said. I was just about to stab triton before the police came "PUT UR HANDS UP UR UNDER ARREST"one of the cops said, so I raised my hands, before spotting someone familiar, planet 9... my sister.... The one that I had been looking for my whole life.. "Planet 9... my sister.. where have u been", then suddenly, planet 9 cleared her throat "You must go to a mental asylum, because I am NOT ur sister" it was obvious that it was her since her voice was the exact same as my sister's. A cop handcuffed me before shoving me into the car, instead of being driven into jail, I was put in a mental asylums where I stayed there for 5 weeks while getting daily therapy sessions, with Jupiter by my side so I don't end up killing the therapist. After that, i was prescribed about 2 meds to eat daily and I was diagnosed.

Triton POV
After Neptune got arrested, I yelled out to one of the cops to call the ambulance while keeping the knife in so he didn't lose more blood, later, the ambulance arrived, they also put me in because of Neptune bashing my head, I also found out i broke my leg severely when he bashed my on the head bc I fell harshly. I got surgery to heal my Broken bone, but the most important was that Pluto was safe so I waiting by Pluto's side, the dagger broke his spine so he had to have surgery, but he luckily survived, I was happy that he was alive, after that, I started blushing again confirming that I had just developed a crush on him.

Pluto POV
After all that, I started feeling nervous when I was around triton, they were cute and special to me, I just wanted to be with them, so I called triton, they walked in and I conffessed my feelings, "Triton.. I just wanted to say.. I loved you, I never though I would ever but turns out, love granted me the best of people, you.. I hope that you would accept and date me.." triton went silent for a bit "Pluto, I had been feeling the same way... I just wanna say, I love you too" triton said that before hugging me, I was a bit surprised but hugged him back, we had been dating ever since then.

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