Bambi...|Possessed!Onion Au

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(This is a sequel of How Everest lost her eye)
Bambi: Underline
Everest: Normal
The Voice..: Bold

Everest's POV
As I opened my eyes, I saw the dark trees and the green leaves, I decided to look at My severely shattered phone to see the time "shit, I've been asleep for 2 days.." I decided to get up and find my way home, shit it was going to be hard but I didn't wanna just accept my fate so easily... As i was walking through the woods, I discovered a really sharp and bloody knife, then the word "Murder..." kept appearing in my head, as I was slowly approaching the knife, I finally snapped back to reality and realized that... there was nothing there.. "had it all just been my head..? Am I.. getting possessed..? No way.. no way that I'm getting possessed.. NO WAY!!" I talked to myself with fear and anger, I ended up sitting next to a tree and thinking to myself on what is happening right now.. when I finally stopped, I looked up at the sky, it's already the night and I was shivering, it was really cold in here.. I decided that it would be best to try to call the police, do I went into my phone which has like- 4% battery and tried to call the police.. "9.." "1.." I suddenly cancelled the call, I didn't know why, it just happened.. "Don't do it.. you're gonna get caught.." a voice suddenly whispered in my head, then I snapped back, "9..." "1..." "1..." I was about call it but then.. I felt something grab my arm "Don't do it.. I'm watching..." and then out of my will, I cancelled the call, lowered my phone, then dropped it, "Watch out.." the grab then disappeared and I looked at my phone.. terrified "now I cant call the police.." I said at I looked at my broken phone, I decided it would be better if I were to just walk around the forest till I find my town, I kept walking.. and walking.. and walking... basically a lot of walking before I could find a city "well shit that took we like.. 10 hours" the sun was finally shining, I kept waking around the town, it wasn't mine, as I roamed the town, I finally found out what town it was, my hometown.. that part of my hometown was next to the exact part where I was raised, I decided to try to find somethings to hide my scars, and my stapled eye.. luckily, I had found a black eyepatch and an oversized dark green hoodie, I didn't really ask for any medical help since they would find out I'm possessed and plus, the hospitals are super far away, so after finding the things I need to cover up my scars, I set out on a journey to go back to my current town, but doing so, I encountered a young girl crying, i then started to approach it, "B-Bambi..? "B-Big sissy..? I ran next to Bambi hugging her.. "Bambi!.. why are you crying!?" "B-Bwehind u sissy.." I looked behind me to see horrors, the house that I had been raised in my whole childhood, it was a bloody mess, blood everywhere, and behind it I saw an onion.. wait.. Onion!? I decided to go look back at Bambi to realize how injured she was, I then tried to comfort her by singing her favorite lullaby I used to sing to her, this soothed her a bit. When I was done, onion had already left, "wait here.. big sissy has to get something.." "O-oh.. okay.." then I sprinted fast as I could to the house, seeing the corpse of my own mother, I was devastated, but I had to focus, I got a flashlight, a loaf of untouched bread, Bambi"s clothes that wasn't drenched in blood, Bambi's pillow and blankets, a stroller large enough to fit Bambi, Bambi's fav plush, and a pencil and paper. When I sprinted back, I was relieved to see Bambi wasn't harmed even more by onion, but I kept on hearing "Murder her.." "Wait.. am I.. slowly getting possessed..?" I was fortunately able to resist, so I approached her, then I sang her fav lullaby again, and she fell asleep, then I placed the pillow and blanket nicely on the stroller, placed Bambi in the stroller where she would be comfy, with the clothes and bread under the stroller, then I gave Bambi her fav plush. I put the candle in my pocket and started strolling around the part of the town to get home, luckily, I already knew my way, and when it was getting dark, i Turned on the flashlight so I knew where I was going, and Bambi was a heavy sleeper so she didn't wake up through all of this, when it was morning, I had finally arrived to me and my friend's house, I was planning on coming back home also before realizing.. I was slowly getting possessed, if I go back I'm gonna get my friends in grave danger, and also Bambi.. I realized that it was better if I just left Bambi to be taken care of by my friends, so I don't harm them, I was originally gonna use the paper and pencil for Bambi to draw if she woke up, but I though that placing a note next to the stroller would be more useful, so I place the note
Dear Friends
This is Everest. Well, you see? I haven't just sent you this stroller for no reason, my lil sister is inside this stroller, and I'm afraid I won't be back anytime soon, but I don't wanna leave my sister homeless! So I want u guys to take care of her.. be aware, she can be a bit bossy sometimes.. so used my old schedule when I used to take care of her but it's a bit outdated since it's been a long time seen I've actually seen her.
7AM- 8AM= Waking up
9AM-10AM = Shower and breakfast
11AM - 1PM= Playtime
2PM-3PM = Arts and craft(she prefers paper and crayon)
3PM-4PM= lunch
4PM-6PM= Movie or a stroll outside(movie night is better bc of the onion thing-)
7PM-7:30PM= Dinner
8PM= Bedtime
So I hope you understand because taking care of someone is not easy! But I unfortunately have to give her to ur guys's hands so she wouldn't be in danger, thank you..
-Love, Everest

I knocked on the door, then sprinted as fast as I could to where no one could see me, I was basically about the drop onto the floor so I sat down next to a river, and dropped asleep in the floor, closing my eye... accepting that im not gonna be myslef anymore.. accepting that this is the last time I'm gonna be in control of my own body.. Well.. goodbye..

Well that was surely dark.. btw whether I get found or not depends entirely on the others and thats bc idk what to choose!

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