My possessed!onion au lore quiz

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Just write down ur answers in the comment section(or reblog if ur from tumblr)
(Onion could u pls send this to tumblr so Everone can answer it?)

My lore quiz:
(Winner gets... nothing.. tho this is all for fun cuz why not)

1.How long did Everest sleep for when she got lost in the woods

2.What did onion say when Everest ripped out her eye

3.what was the reason why Everest got paper and a pencil in her childhood home long was Everest walking for until she found her hometown

5.what is salty's full name in the lore

6.did Everest lose her left eye or her right eye?

7.(the answer is in tumblr only) what does Bambi's doll that she is holding while in the stroller look like?

8.what food did Everest pick up?
That's it :3

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