Me, Liv(LostUranus), Hunter(v3nus_b1ggest_fan) orders msdonalds

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Ik this is not solarballs related but why not

I is quostionang me santy, liz am plaieing rablax whil hintur is drunks wiscey wen Liv yalls "I WANT MCDONALDSSSSSS!!!!", Me yalls bak "JESUS CHRIST!! FINE!", Me gos to garaj an Liz houps in, me drag hintur to car bc hintur drink 15yr old. Me div bc hintur drunk whil Liv stoopid

Hunter POV
Me sea dancing parots an balerina pies dat giselle Ron oper, me cry vor 3 minute avtr giselle Ron over.
Me and giselle haf convarsation
My: Are i guys there yet
Gis: No
Me: are we here yet
Gis: No
It reoeat por 10 pinute intill giselle tel my too stop

Me wis  hintur ws soper

It took us a while to get there, I was happy that we finally arrived before realizing that I would have explosive diarrhea when I eat McDonalds so I asked if we could go to Burger King after we got to McDonalds, Giselle said "no we cannot go to Burger King, we just drives all the way over here" so I started complaining and throwing a tantrum while slapping hunter and giselle both at the same time. So they tied me onto the top of the car and ducktaped my mouth.

me got McDonal cheesbugor wit France fries.

Hunter POV
Me get adult happy meal  and get 3 bottle of vodka, 2bottle of whiskey and 1 bottle of bourbon, not enouf, the toy is constipaton mashine w ded bird

I got nothing :(
But at home, hunter cooked magic brownies that made me dizzy and colored water that tastes weird and makes me dizzy also.

We go home

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