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3 hours earlier

"Oi! Richarlison" Yelled Neymar across the pitch they were all done practicing on.

"Ayy Ney!" Richarlison waved excitedly. Neymar jogged to him with his phone in hand.

"You know my friend Marisol, right? I got a feeling about you two and my feelings are never wrong" Neymar said with a proud expression on his face.

"The pretty girl from the gc Vini can't stop bitching over?" He replied. "Nah man, I'm good I'd rather not mess with Vini's little girlfriend."

"That's the thing! They aren't even together they're more like siblings and Vini is overprotective of her and so am I but I trust you." Neymar tried convincing Richarlison.

Richarlison looked around and sighed. "I don't know man, I don't know if i'm ready for a new situation ship after Leilah."

Neymar respected his response but still wanted to try and convince Richarlison to pick Mari up from the airport.

"Could you pick her up from the airport though, Vini and I are busy." Ney tried giving Richarlison puppy eyes but failed because he's a 30 year old grown man.

Unbeknownst to the two conversating, Vini jr was behind a huge cardboard box on the side of the pitch listening to the whole conversation. He swiftly walked up to the two futbolistas conversating and put his arm around Neymar tightly interrupting the conversation.

"Buenos, Vinicius how can we help you?" asked an annoyed Ney with a tight smile on his face.

"Nothing just overheard you and Richi talking about picking up Mari from the airport but I think you forgot I was in charge of that already." Replied Vini.

Richarlison awkwardly looked between the two of them sensing the disagreement and slowly walking away.

"What? When did you ever say that you liar" Ney challenged

"I texted you it but alright man keep acting delusional" Vini responded.

"You made him run away" Ney clicked his teeth watching Richarlison walking away from the two at an alarming speed. "Vini I swear I have this feeling between the two, like some Jcole song shit might happen."

Vini shook his head. "Sorry, not going to let her get heartbroken again cause of your 'intuition' she's been through enough with the last two dumbasses."

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