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minutes before lucas snitched
to the groupchat..

Marisol and Richarlison sat down at one of the cute little tables inside the cafe and began sipping their coffee. It wasn't as awkward as you would think but he looked bit nervous, so Mari spoke up.

"So what part of brazil are you from?" Mari softly asked. Richarlison looked up from his coffee with a look on his face resembling a deer caught in the headlights.

"Nova Venécia in Espírito santo and you?" he asked curiously but still a shy expression lingered on his face. He wonders where she learned portuguese since he stalked her instagram and found out she was Mexico born.

"I was born in DF, Mexico. Spanish is my first language" Mari told him "but my mom required me to learn portuguese since i'm also Brazilian, i don't know if it's good or not but i know it" Richarlison smiled at her.

"Your portuguese is pretty good, not better than mine but still pretty good" he joked causing a laugh to come out her.

"Cocky much?" Mari raised an eyebrow jokingly.

"Me? no, never" He smirked then took a sip of his coffee but then furrowed his brows obviously confused about something.

"Aren't you dating Vini?" asked Richarlison resulting in Mari's face to contort in disgust.

"Ew, no, never he's like a brother and we're not in alabama." she said amused. The corners of Richarlison's eyes crinkled in confusion because he had no idea what the fuck alabama was. She realized he probably had no idea what Alabama so she quickly added.

"OH! Alabama is a state in the states where it's stereotyped that white people date their family members." Richarlison just look terrified he made a mental note to never visit Alabama. Marisol laughed even harder at his face expression which resulted in his mouth to turn into a smile.

"You u.s people are so weird" he said shaking his head amusingly.

"Wait a damn minute. I am not from the states.. I did live there for like 2 years but that does not make me weir-"

"Still makes you weird." richarlison interupted making Mari gasp out loud and playfully slap his arm.

"You can not be talking... you literally have a pigeon dance just for you" she said trying to hold her smile in. Now it was richarlison's turn to gasp.

"Everyone loves my pigeon dance. Thank you very much" He tried to look hurt. "I don't know if I can be friends with you anymore"

"Yeah I don't know either because you're hella cute to just be friends" She boldly told him. Richarlison's mannerisms went back to being shy again and let out a small laugh.

"You're cuter" Marisol's face was probably already red from what she said prior to what he just said but it just went redder.

"Thank youuu" She shyly smiled at him while tilting her head. He smiled at her back and looked down. Mari took her phone out and handed it to him.

"Could you take photos of me, Ney told me you take his all the time and they always look good as hell." Richarlison nodded adjusting her camera on her phone to take photos.

"That man is a feen for photoshoots, He asked me to take photoshoots today actually before I came down here- oh fuck I was supposed to bring them coffee and neymar's stupid ass cronut." He said while Mari was posing for the camera.

"Hey! Neymar loves his cronuts. he does not play about them" Not faltering on the posing still, Mari told him. Someone came up to them and sat down at an empty chair from the table near them.

"Well, Well, Well if it isn't the beauty and the bitch who owes us our coffee." Paqueta said with a mischievous grin putting his hands together.

"Lucas what the fuck you ruined my photoshoot-"

"I was going to get the coffee but I remembered you guys gave me the sandwich that fell on the floor."
Richarlison crossed his arms.

"Beefing over food are you for real" Mari muttered.

"Yes we are 'for real'" Mimicked Lucas and Mari just crinkled her nose at his mimic. Richarlison checked his phone which lead him to let out a frustrated breath.

"You told the groupchat Mari and I were on a date?!??" hissed an annoyed Richarlison. Marisol looked more scared than annoyed.

Lucas just shrugged his arms with a surprised look on his face. "To be fair you two were flirting so hard until I intervened.

Mari messaged her temples looking at Lucas. "You do know Vini is going to kill me right?" she told him.

"Why would he kill you is he like your dad or something? He should not be monitoring your dating life like that." He responded.

"We're not even dating, we were just.. having coffee together" Mari said looking over at Richarlison who looked like he wanted to say something about that but decided otherwise. Lucas left the table to go get the coffee leaving the two alone.

"Vini tends to overreact a bit.. so don't worry if he doesn't talk to you for 5 weeks" Mari joked and Richarlison cracked a smile but still annoyed.

"I just don't want him to think he can't trust me anymore." Seeing Marisol was listening to
him he sighed but continued. "The first thing Vini warned me about was to not mess with you, understandable but I betrayed him by doing just that."

"I mean.. we just talked, maybe by next time Vini won't be so possessive over who I mess with." She told him which caused him to give her a lopsided grin.

"Next time?"

"Yeah only if you want there to be a next time since SOMEONE" she said while Lucas was walking out the shop with the coffees. "interrupted us."

"I want there to be a next time. Not interrupted though." He said giving Lucas a look who was not paying attention to them.


justice for
neymars cronut😕

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