chapter 1

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Max P.o.v
"Momma, where are we going?" I asked, fidgeting with my long sleeves that are covering my scars, 'mother still hasn't told me where we were going the only thing she would say is we are going somewhere, "where you can play with other kids how are like you"'.

after a few more minutes of walking we come across a big building, when we went inside I was taken to a room with a lot of toys! And other kids too! 'Maybe I should make friends? 'I questions myself, 'maybe I should, so I won't be lonely! 'I said talking to myself in my mind,a big smile formed, I started to walk up to the other kids, asking if I can play with them, which they happily agreed!

a bit later my name was called so I looked up to see a person calling for me, I assumed I was going home, so I said goodbye to my new friends and went to the lady that was calling my name, I started to get nervous, when I was walking closer I didn't see momma anywhere, I then went with the lady claiming that momma told her that I need to follow her, so I did...

That was 8 months ago..

present time. . .

Experiment 2893
Wake up, or starve yourself until next week

Exp 2893 p.o.v

"Ugh" I said as I was waking up in this h3ll hole I'm trapped in, "ok, ok, I'm up 😒" I said annoyed about being woken up, I start to get dressed into my uniform if you call it that, it's just a light greenish-blue shirt and pants with this weird straps on them.

I start making my way to the cafeteria where the other experiments are, you may be wondering how old exactly am I?, I'm just 9 years old, I don't remember much from my past, I just remember my name and age,  I started to get in line, to get my food, yeah, it tasted like sh!t, but who's complaining. . . Exactly, nobody.

Nobody dare to complain about the food because the chef or cook I may say, was a pretty big guy and can probably knock you down and 1-2 punches, how do we/I know that? Because some idiot was complaining to the cook about the food, we didn't see Bob for a long time after that 😰,
after I had finished with my food, I was started to head towards my 'room' or cell when I was called to go to the "maze" room, the maze room is a room that's a maze that's is filled with deadly shit and stuff... I think, and no one ever survived, so I'm guessing they want me dead,... "LiKe- nO oNe EvEn CoMeS oUt AlIvE oR a WhOle-
LIkE hOw Do YoU eXpEcT a 9 YeAr OlD tO cOmE oUt AlIvE oR iN oNe pIeCe If I sUrViVe!?😢😭" I complained to myself

Wait, why am I even talking to myself? People already think I'm crazy, this just proves there point more 😰
In front of the "maze" door
Experiment 2893 p.o.v

Heh so that's it for me?, I asked, speaking to myself, I was was still hardcore staring at the door, the door was huge, with some of its beautiful wallpaper coming off, what a beautiful sight to see for your death.

I thought of the many ways I can get myself killed, no one (but the scientce) knows what inside of the maze some say there's giants, and other says there portals that lead to other world and explain why no ones comes out of the maze, but on one is able to prove it. . . Yet. . .

I heard a door opening, I looked up and saw the maze door has opened, I take a deep breath and started to walk in. before I knew it, the room soon started to get filled up with this weird purple gas/mist. "YAWN" it was getting harder and harder to keep my eyes open. I started to panic and started to walk/run in a random direction, panicking even more the sleeper I felt, I soon fell on the floor. "A little nap. . Won't hurt. . Right? YAWN" as I almost closed my eyes, I saw a portal open up underneath me and suck me in.

I was falling. 'It's dark, maybe this won't be as bad as I thought, maybe I can die peacefully here. Yeah. . That would be nice. . .'

I closed my eyes, and passed out due to exhaustion.

Welcome experiment 2893, hope you enjoy this interesting adventure :)
. . .
- Your creator

T. B. C...

N/a:hello everyone, sorry I'm not active but hey here's something

Word count:791

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