5 ➳ Friday Night

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A/N: Not edited like my usual chapters since I don't have a computer/PC to edit on at the moment. Hope you guys still enjoy. (Also switched to third person, sorry.)

x Allianna


Hayley didn't think it'd be this hard to actually get somebody to agree on going to the race on Friday which, by the way, is indeed today.

As much as she don't want to admit it, she's longing to see Klaus again since they haven't spoken since that little visit he gave her at the library. He's infuriating, yes, but she seemingly want more of him around. It's like the bantering between them will become endless.

"Please, Rebekah," She groans while walking behind her best friend as she heads towards her car, "I can't show up alone."

"Then don't show up at all, Hayley. I thought Stefan told you he wasn't a good guy." She scolds her like any best friend would, she just wasn't aware of the fact that Stefan told her about that. She narrows my eyes in defence but end up huffing, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Who said I was going for him? I actually really liked what I saw the last time and I think that it'll be fun to go again, okay? So if you could just show a little-" She's cut off by a ring blaring from Rebekah's phone. Rebekah raises her eyebrows at Hayley knowingly, points a finger in the air to tell her to wait as she pulls her phone out of her bag. She didn't even realize they got to her car, so Hayley simply leans against it while listening to her friend's side of the conversation.

Most of it was just a series of Mhms, Ohs, and Okays, but she eventually hangs up. She doesn't even let her begin to speak before she straightens up and says, "I can't go, Hayley. Our family's private investigator wants to hold a short meeting to inform us of what he found out." She grins. Hayley can already guess for what.

"You hired a private investigator for this? Seriously, Bex?" She frowns. Of course this means a ton to her but now it's beginning to seem...obsessive. Not that she would know how it feels. She doesn't have any siblings, not to mention one that she was completely unaware of until she found out about my mother's sudden affair. Nope, that's all Rebekah.

"Yes, however, if it makes you feel better, I have somebody in mind who would just love to go with you." She shrugs, snatches her keys out of her bag after dropping her phone in it and opens her car door.

"Is that so? Who may that be?" She pushes herself off her car, the frown still held on my face. The opposite of her expression.

She just smirks at her mischievously.

Oh no, she thinks to herself.

Kol Mikaelson is a complete arrogant bastard. A womanizer that easily succeeds in luring those ladies, all due to his dashing good looks. No doubt he and Klaus would get along very well.

No, you are not here to meet Klaus, her subconscious tells her.

"So, ever thought of making friends, darling?" Kol glances at her to flash a smirk, before returning it to the parking spot they luckily found. She rolls her eyes at his teasing. "Not that I'm complaining, I wouldn't turn down this offer. Last time I saw a race had to be when I was in high school." He scoffs.

Another thing about Kol Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson's twin brother; he's annoyingly talkative.

"That's marvellous, Kol, now let's go." She grumbles, getting out of his car only to rub my arms due to the chilly air.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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