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This one's 4 u @_HeartsForYou

"You've got to be kidding. I'm not baking cookies with you." William crossed his arms and rested on the counter.

"Oh come on it'll be fun! Plus we can decorate them!" You smiled at him awaiting his answer.
But you were only met with his cold stare. You frowned as he walked away. You glanced at the recipe book that rested on the counter. It wasn't a big deal but why did it affect you this much? It's just cookies yet why do I feel so sad? Williams office door slammed shut. You opened the book and read the recipe. Grabbing things from everywhere it seem like an eternity before you retrieved everything.

I set the dough on the counter kneeling it until it was the correct consistency. I felt arms wrap around my waist as I grabbed a cookie cutter.
"Luv, I'm sorry I have just had a long day. You know how work can be." William nuzzled his face into my neck, kissing me. He hugged me tighter before rolling his sleeves up and grabbing a ball of dough. He grabbed the rolling pin and rolled the dough out.
You watched his veins pop from his arms, the way he was so concentrated on getting as many cookies from the dough. You looked at the jar of flour sitting by you. It's seemed to call your name. You grabbed a fistful and threw it at Will. He stopped and turned to you slowly, flour coated half of his face. You laughed at the sight. He grabbed a fistful and threw it at you. You stopped laughing and stared at him.
"Oh you little-" You grabbed another handful. William smirked and bolted down a hall.
"ILL GET YOU!" You could hear his giggles from his office. You crept in the door flout still in hand and looked around. Someone tapped your shoulder. You snapped your head back but only hear footsteps leading to the kitchen. You rounded the corner and was met with a face full of flour.
You wiped your eyes and saw William hunched over laughing his ass off, the flour still on his face. You threw your bit at him. It landed right on his shirt.
"HEY THIS IS MY NICE SHIRT!" You smiled and bolted up the stairs. William right behind you. All you could do was laugh as you ran for your life, yet William always seemed to be right behind you. You ran into the bedroom but was met with someone tackling you into the bed. William pinned you down and dropped a bunch of flour on your face. He laughed as you just lay there. He giggled even more as you tried to escape. You grabbed some more flour from the pile on your face and threw it in his hair. You flung him off you and ran back down stairs. You reached the kitchen but slipped from the mess. William came rushing down after you and laughed. Just laughed. You lay of the flour covered in flour laughing as well.

The final batch of cookies was in the oven and you were on the floor sweeping the flour. William helped for the most part.

(I ALWAYS COME BACK I feel like I said the word flour to many times. Meh gotta do what ya gotta do. I love you all so much and remember please take care of yourselves <33)

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