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Buckle up bitches ;)
This is one hell of a ride
𝟽:𝟷𝟶 𝚙𝚖
"Good evening sir, I recived your message you wanted to see me?" The policeman smiled at me.

"It's an honor to meet you Mr.Emily I've been following your investigations for years. The name is Simon Parker."  He held out his hand.

"Henry Emily,"  I stated shaking his hand. 

"Right shall we start then?" I signaled to the countless folders on his desk. With a simple nod, our investigation had begun.
𝟽:𝟷𝟻 𝚙𝚖
Case after case I looked into led nowhere. No clues were left behind, not even a footprint. Only the lifeless body of a poor unfortunate child.  Why would someone do such a horrendous act? What did they have against these poor children? But the biggest question of all is, who would commit such a gruesome crime?

I have so many questions that no one knows the
answer too.

𝟷𝟸:𝟶𝟿 𝚙𝚖

A colleague of Simon's was kind and brought a bulletin board for us along with a pot of fresh tea and two muffins. I knew this was going to be a long night.  Hour after hour we got nowhere. There was nothing to work off of. The only thing we discover was that every victim had one stab wound right on the right. Each file had been looked over time and time again by each of us, yet we were still left empty-handed. Simon had fallen asleep on the couch in his office. One final time I looked over the files just to be positive we didn't miss anything.

"Nothing. There is nothing!"  I banged my head against the desk. I sighed in defeat, I had never once been this clueless about a crime. I looked down at my shoes contemplating everything. I noticed the all too familiar bland yellow color hidden beneath the desk. I shot up checking to see if Simon was awake. He most definitely wasn't. I grasped the file placing it on the desk. This was exactly what I needed. Compared to the other crime scenes this one was the sloppiest. A glove and bloody handprint were left behind.

𝟽:𝟺𝟻 𝚊𝚖
I gathered my belongings and left. I needed to visit the scene there must be something else. No there had to be something else.


??? Pov
(For context ??? Is the killers pov)

I gazed out the window my grip steady on my knife. My palms are sweaty it's a feeling you can always identify even through gloves. It's quite early yet he's all alone. I glance at the child who is currently sleeping ever so peacefully.
"You poor miserable soul," I whisper. I creep closer and closer. A feel the urge to smile, and I allowed a sick crazed grin to be plastered upon my face. I want to stab him I do but I can't, I need a chase of a sort, this is, this is far too easy.
"This just won't to." I walk away, heading towards the hallway. Countless vases sitting upon a luxury piece of furniture, and elegant paintings crowd the wall. One vase catches my eye. A yellow and red tall vase is placed right by a chair.
"Such a shame this stunning vase is going to be smashed." I frown crawls onto my face.
"Oh well." I shrug and throw the vase at the wall. It shatters glass covering every inch of the floor. My back meets the wall as I check the hallway.
"Bingo.." The child calls out for his father glancing around, he looks scared. My heart begins to race and my eyes widen. My mouth widens into a psychotic smile. It's like a poor little helpless bunny is wandering right into my trap, but oh dear it's far worse. For they are about to meet death and it won't come peacefully. He turns the corner, terror is so easily seen in his poor eyes and he stares at me. The way he trembles in fear is all such a thrill. He looks down slowly and is quick to notice the weapon.
Tears swell in his eyes, he's about to scream. I hold one finger up to my mouth signaling him to be quiet. Instead of being smart, he runs. However little does he know, this is exactly what I want. I chuckle, with that our little game begins. I sprint down the hall, catching up quickly. He glances back, more tears swell in his eyes. Death is near and he knows it. He craves into a wall, realizing he is at a dead end. Only doors surround him, all of which are locked. I clench onto the knife, and allow it to be introduced to the heart. To someone else the sound of a child's ear piecing scream is hell. To me however, it is delightful. Blood coats my face, it is everywhere. The walls, floor, and my brand new gloves.
"Damn these are brand new! Now I need to buy another pair!" I signal to the gloves. I take out the knife and wipe it with a handkerchief. The child cries holding his heart, such a sweet way to die. I smile at the scene I have created. And just like that I leave, not giving the kid another thought.

𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘮 𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now