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A/N: DISCLAIMER. This chapter contains NSWF in the second scene.

"So this is the studio huh?"

You entered the building, where Atsumu's manager gave you the directions to further discuss and arrange business between Atsumu and your company. After verifying who you were with security, you stepped further into the dimmed crowded room of staff. Makeup, lights, wardrobe, props, the photographer, and the model himself, altogether in one space.

You slowed your steps down to take a peek through head and shoulders at the focal point of the room. Sitting on a luxurious-looking throne was the same man who previously pestered you on your lunch break. Here, he looked even more handsome under the lights, dressed up from head to toe, hair slicked back, eyeing the camera with a smile in his gaze. A natural in his own element.

"Hey, are you G.K's secretary?" A young male, about the same height, side-stepped his way through two staff members and stumbled out in front of you. You held up your working ID and he nodded in satisfaction.

"Great! It's nice to meet you, (l/n)-san. I'm Miya-san's manager," he held out his hand. "Goda Yasukazu." He shared with you a light shake. "He's probably gonna be another five minutes they stop for a break a little break. It might be another 5 minutes or so before they stop to take a break."

"That's no problem." You followed him closer up the front where you could've gotten a better look at him.

"In the meantime, we've got snacks and drinks at the table over there," he pointed with his thumb. "Are you feeling like anything while we wait for him to finish  this first set?"

"Thank you, but no thank you. I'm only here to get my job done, nothing more. Nothing less."

A cold drop of sweat slid down his face as his smile fell slightly awkward. "Uh, sure!" he chuckled, holding onto his nape. "Well, if you'd like, I could show you to his dressing room so you can wait there."

"Yes, thank you. I would appreciate that."

That said, you parted with the rest of the crowd and followed him through a door leading to a corridor. There, other staff members wandered around back and forth, up and down the hall.

"Here we are." He stopped in front of a door with a starred nameplate reading: 'Miya Atsumu.' He turned and pushed open the door to the simply furnished room and a snack table pushed off to the side. "Please, relax here until I return with him in just a bit."

Glancing over your shoulder, you agreed to his request with a simple, "alright." You stepped out to the couch to take a seat while the door closed back on you. "Huh." It was rather amusing. "I wonder what he'll say when he sees me." You dropped your leg over the other and crossed your hands over your knee.

Shortly afterward, the door opened and in walked not only Goda, but the content-looking Atsumu himself. As he plucked the dangling earring from his lobe, he stopped in his tracks the second his eyes flickered up from elsewhere. "You-"

"Miya-san, this is the person that's been waiting to see you," he held out a hand to you.

He huffed a chuckle. "It's you..." He walked over to the opposite couch and crashed down in it. "Who knew I'd be seeing you again this soon."

On the other hand of his awe and overall delight to see you again, you scanned the actor from top to bottom without so much as a crack in your lips. "It's been less than 24 hours, Miya-san."

"Wait..." Goda eyed either of you back and forth. "You two know each other already?"

"Something of the sort," you said.

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