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Hey, my sweets, this isn't a chapter as you can probably tell. But I need to especially post this for viewers of this fanfic. From here on out, there will no longer be any NSFW content. I know it may come as a disappointment to some, but this is something important I need to do for myself.

This decision regards my future as a christian and continuing to consume and partake in this kind of content is harming my spirit and is killing me on the inside. For a very long time, this has been plaguing me since I was young, even during my growth in my spiritual journey. I watched a very informative sermon this morning regarding this specific topic. And I'm going to take those steps to better myself and freeing myself from the chains that bind and shame me.

I know how much you guys like this story, but I'm asking you to please understand and respect my decision, because in all honesty, if I feel that I need to end this story in its early stages, I'm going to follow what the Holy Spirit presses me to do and end it.

Why not stop at cutting out the sex scenes or hinting them? This thorn is honestly so rooted inside of me, that I can't even hint at those things, without feeling some type of way, if you know what I mean. And the story is pretty much designed to have those kinds of scenes in it.

I care about my God, Savior, and the Holy Spirit and I want to do better for them and myself. It's time for me to put my foot down on the foul spirit binding me. It's time for me to bind it instead.

I would, if someone wanted to, allow someone to pick this story up, but I don't think It'd be right to just pass off that kind of spiritual burden to someone else and it's not something He would want me to do. It seems foolish and hard to understand right now, but please try to understand what I mean by this. And if you can't, at least I've planted the seed to help you think about it.

This isn't me making an excuse to get out of writing this story. I have SO MUCH planned for this story, but if God tells me not to, I have to obey. Honestly, if I have to discontinue this story, it really will be hard for me, since I made a promise to you guys and myself to be back and better than ever. I don't want to come across as me leaving another one of my stories behind because I got bored.

In the event that I do discontinue this series, I already have another one being plotted in the works. One I hope you'll fancy even more than this one. You may or may not have noticed the title on my page, but the new series is an xreader called: "Guard Dog" and will surround the Miya twins.

For my followers in Christ, who are also in the same boat ( addicted to sexual images, writing, literature, videos, sounds, etc. and want to step away from it all, I really hope you can take time to watch the entire sermon. It's so important and, more than anything, helpful. You're not alone. You'll never be alone, and we can't fight this together.

I follow an amazingly real and transparent pastor named Michael Todd, on YouTube, who leads Transformation Church filled with all ages. More transparent than your local church pastor. Whatever age group you fall into, he can speak into your heart and doesn't shy away from the truth, just to help us all be free.

Remember, this isn't something you can rush. Only God can instantly make that pain vanish for you. Take this journey in a steady walk. This week, I'm gonna fast from all my Yaoi and Shounen-ai, even though it'll be hard to at first, I'm gonna commit. I'm going to delete any draft of sex scenes and I'm going to take this journey carefully and seriously for the sake of my eternal freedom. Hope you guys can understand.

One of the things pastor Michael Todd said you have to do, is confess for forgiveness and confess to others for healing. So my honesty right now is a part of my healing process.

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