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When Oikawa breaks it off with Ari, the paparazzi caught wind of the story and her fanbase starts to decrease. She's being heavily criticized and the few big brands she was working with dropped her. After all of this happens, she resents you for doing this to her and getting away with it and her man.


When Oikawa buys you things, you either toss it away. Or, if it's jewelry, drape it on the rim of your trash bin inside your room so if you need to refer back to it in front of him you still have it to wear.

However, if it's Atsumu who buys something for you, you genuinely look pleased with the gifts after a while, kissing him on the cheek or lips as thanks.


So that he can go out/sneak away somewhere with you, Atsumu calls up Osamu to take his place at an important event (which he dyes his hair for, with a can spray). When you question him about it, he says he has it all taken care of.

"Don't worry about it. I sent somebody to take my place."

"Are you joking?"

"You can meet him later if you like. He's supposed to stop by later so to borrow something from me."


Dropping your towel for attention Atsumu:

He didn't mean to be on the phone with his manager for so long, it just happened. Dinner was cold, you were showered and now walking out of the room in nothing but your towel to see if he was finally done. 'Miya-san' you said, crossing your arms, it was way too late for this. When he held up a finger to you your eyes rolled and you looked around you before smiling smugly and opening your towel, waiting for him to look at you. When he did all he could say was a, 'I have to go.' Before hanging up and closing the space between you two.


You staring at Atsumu while lost in thought:

He would try to advert from your gaze as you trail your finger along his bare chest. He'd whine and roll his head from side to side then allow himself to pulled in from the chin to resume eye contact. He would ask you what you're thinking and you don't answer him. Instead, your fingertips trace along his cheek only for him to smile gently and snuggle you closer into his body. He would mumble out a groggy request for you to kiss him already, so you do.


When Atsumu tells people hints at him wanting a relationship, the response on social media is greatly received with little negativity, he pushes forward around the time that it's time for you to leave Oikawa for good, that you've found someone.


Atsumu's grin spread from cheek to cheek as the blush rose on his face. "Well, I'll be damned." ________________________________________________________________________________

Atsumu steals your panties one morning after you spend the night at his house, telling you he wants to keep it as a souvenir. You argue that you need them, but he doesn't let up, so you wind up going to work with no underwear. When you're beside Oikawa, you shiver and he asks you what the matter is, and you say that there's you felt a draft because you went commando this morning. He gulps and tries can't take his eyes off you, until you're over in the corner printing something, when he comes up and presses himself against you, riding up your skirt to finger. He then takes his d*** out of his pants and rubs it in between your thighs.


"As soon as I lost weight, I went around hooking up with a lot of dudes at these nightclubs I'd go to." Atsumu stays silent. "If someone's depraved enough, they'll run to any and everything to feel good." - You openly tell Atsumu when he maybe asks her about how she's able to do it this well.


Oikawa or Atsumu (or both) might help you look for a new place (a condo) since your salary is more than in the right place to afford one. After some searching, you find one. As you do, you give your address to the old lady down the hall from your apartment so she can try visiting if she wants. With Atsumu, you make it a date to go look for furniture and home décor to furnish your house a lot more. You didn't really need his help, but just wanted him to tag along.


Atsumu will have you walking around with a vibrator inside of you, that he'll have the pleasure of controlling from wherever he is while you're at work. Before the day is done, you excuse yourself, saying you have you're not feeling well. Instead of setting for home, you set off to Atsumu's mansion to get him to do something about the vibrator and your condition.

When you go inside, Atsumu is sitting in his posh living room, tie loosened and his buttons half undone, head back on the couch. You go over and stand before him, but he doesn't move He only speaks.


You use a condom with Oikawa and Atsumu, but once Atsumu picks up his technique and skill, your reward with him the option of you using birth control pills.


After Atsumu tells you not to mess around w/ Oikawa, you start to wear pants to work a lot more.


"Hey...why the hell do you like stickin' around me so much? It can't simply be because you like me."

"Why not? You're the most fun I've ever had."

"Oh yeah?" You raised a brow.

"Other than the sex," he paused to take a sip of his tea. "Screwing around with that guy has become one of my favorite pass times to share with you."

"You called me evil, but you're one to talk. You're more twisted than you like to let on."

"Twisted sounds a bit harsh don't ya think? How about we call me...sadistic?"

"Same difference."

"It matters," he said.


"You let that fucker stick it in, right? Who do you think does it better?"

"Should I record him fucking me to compare how loud I moan?"

"You better not," he warned.

"Then don't worry about it."

"You're deflecting..."

"I'm addicted to it," you cupped his crotch and pressed your chest against him. "You ruined me, 'Tsumu." You stared up at him with puckered lips and lowered lids.

"Damn right I did." He stole a peck off your lips.

'Men are such simpletons,' you thought. ''s not like I lied.'


Oikawa might come over the day or night after

Atsumu stopped by your place, but in a rush, he left his drawers so you had to hide that and unwrapped condoms packages in the garbage.


"You wanted to go out all out, didn't you? Then let's f**k things up.


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