Plot In Chronological Order (3)

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Oikawa starts to have feelings for you because of how caring and reliable you are whenever he talks about his feelings and asks for your advice. He also can't help but become weak against your persistence about your 'feelings for him'. He begins to think about what life would be like if you were in an actual relationship. But as he wonders that, you start playing hard to get and have him work for your attention gradually. He wonders why that is and it's since you've willingly been going to him and showing how much you like him. But the more he shows you how much he still wants you, the more his feelings develop, and the more he wants you to be his secret girlfriend.

One day, he takes you out with him, but instead, he tells you he'll take off his work the next day and asks if you'll allow him to take you on a date. You smile and agree, and he takes you all over. Taking you shopping and whatnot. He tells you he wishes he could hold your hands, but he doesn't know who might be watching. When he takes you back to his place after dinner, you and he get intimate.

As soon as he's asleep, you gently crawl out of bed and sneak out of his bedroom. At the door you stop and turn back to him and sneer before taking your leave.


You reward Atsumu with the idea of taking a pill instead of a condom.



After a time of fooling around with Atsumu, he by chance asks you when your birthday is. You tell him, and he makes it his duty to clear his schedule for the day. While in the break room, you get a phone call from Atsumu telling you that he plans on making a wonderful dinner for you tonight, so to be home early. You tell him that's sweet, but ask how he's going to get inside your apartment. He admits he didn't think that far, which makes you sigh. You then tell him to ask the old woman at the end of the hall to let him in with her spare keys.

"She's an elderly woman with a kind heart who occasionally bakes me delicious cookies."

"Are you sure she'll let me in?"

"I'm sure she will if you smile hard enough and tell her you're a friend of mine."

When Atsumu gets to your complex, he does just that and introduces himself as your boyfriend instead of the handsome friend she thinks he is. He then asks if he's not handsome enough to be your boyfriend, but she laughs and shakes her hands saying that he is. She just made a mistake."

"By the way, ma'am, do happen to have any of those tasty cookies Haruhi mentioned to me about?"

"Oh my, I do. I remembered it to be her birthday, so I was going to wait until she returns from work to give them to her, but since her boyfriend is here, I don't have to worry and can just give them to you. Hold on, dear. Let me go get them."

When she comes back out, she asks him if he's going to cook for her, and he replies that he is. After that, he asks her this:

"May I ask why it is that you especially go out of your way to bake them for her?"

"Hmm...Haruhi reminds me of one of my grandchildren. She lives all the way in Osaka with her family, so I don't get to see her as much, but when I look at (Y/n) I think of her and the way she used to be. She tries to hide it, but I can tell deep down something's disturbing her. I don't know what it is, but I hope by talking to her, I can make her forget about her problems for a bit every now and then. Also, gives me something to do when I feel lonely."

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