C. 2 |You're getting the hang of it|

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Quick A.N.

Found an amazing helper! Thank you, keegansfeet, for helping me translate and other amazing stuff you did for me, and thank you for 310+ reads! XOXO

POV: First Person (Y/N)

Wow, I've never slept so well in my life. I didn't want to wake up, but I knew I had to one way or another, I had training at 4 a.m.

I got out of bed to check the time, 3.12 a.m. dang, I still had an hour to get ready. So I dressed up in my uniform and went downstairs to grab a small snack and sit at the table, scrolling my eyes through the room as I inspected every inch of it. Then, after some time König joined in and sat down in front of me. I'll have to admit, his accent was amazing!

- Hey, I like your accent! |Y/N|

^Nervously looking at Y/N^ - O-oh- |König| ^Stands up and leaves through the door^

- "Did I say something rude-?" |Y/N|

I stood from the chair, rethinking if I had said anything offensive, so I decided to just go outside for my training session, and then I saw him. He was sitting there mumbling something.

- Sie sagte sie mochte meinen Akzent... niemand hat jemals etwas Nettes darüber gesagt... |König|
Translation: - She said she liked my accent... no one has ever said something nice about it... |König|

- "What- Hmm, maybe I can sneak up on him." |Y/N|

As I snuck my way to him ,I got ready to scare him till I felt the urge to hug him.

- "Why do I wanna hug him so bad.. I-" |Y/N|

Without noticing, I immediately hugged him. He flinched, probably would've scared him one way or another. He's twice my size, and I couldn't even hug my arms around him fully. But he held my arm, and it was so warm that I could feel it through the clothing and his gloves.

- I'm sorry if I was rude to you this morning. |Y/N|

- Eh.. It's.. It's fine, I should be the one who's sorry for- getting nervous and leaving. |König|

- No no, you don't have to be sorry for anything. But are you like, my new teach' or something? |Y/N|

- Yeah, I kind of thought that it would be a good opportunity to kind of- you know- |König|

- Ooh, yeah, I get it. We still have like 15 minutes left. |Y/N|

- We can start early if you'd like. |König|

He let go of me and stood up, walking towards what seemed like a shed. He entered it, and after a couple of minutes, he exited with guns, smoke bombs, etc.
I already had a feeling that this would either last an hour or more, so I prepared myself and followed him into the field.

- Have you ever held these? |König|

- Once. |Y/N|

- Mhm, have you gone to war? |König|

- Like 2 or 3 times, don't quite remember. |Y/N|

- And you're telling me you've never used explosives? |König|

- The captain didn't let us. We were attacked by smoke bombs and others, but like, we only had to use what we had. |Y/N|

- Oh mein Gott, dein Kapitän ist ein Dickkopf wenn er dir nicht einmal erlauben könnte Sprengstoffe zu verwenden. |König|
Translation: - Oh my God, your captain's a dickhead if he couldn't even allow you to use explosives. |König|

- What- |Y/N|

- No, nothing. We'll have to start with how good your defence and fighting are. |König|

- What do you mean-? |Y/N|

Before I could blink, I was on the ground, apparently he wanted to check my reflexes and strength. So I recalled for a rematch.

- I want a rematch, I wasn't ready. |Y/N|

- Sure thing. |König|

As he let go I got myself in position and waited for him, König tried hitting me but I managed to duck and attack him from beneath, though he's twice the size of me so of course he was stronger and put me on the ground again. This went on for half an hour till I couldn't fight no more.

- Okay, enough, I'm out of breath- |Y/N|

- Your stamina is low, you need more training on it and you need to know a shortcut or something to defend yourself, once you're put on the ground you need to think how to get back on your legs. |König|

- Oh- |Y/N|

- I won't pressure you no more, we're done for today. |König| ^Walks away^

I stood up and cleaned myself. He was too strong for me to handle, I didn't know what to do at that point. His grip will probably leave me bruises for a long time. But I decided to ignore that and just run for an hour or so, just enough to nearly pass out.

꧁꧂ ★ ꧁꧂

2 hours later
Time: 6.24 a.m.

꧁꧂ ꧁꧂

I checked the time and noticed I was running for 2 hours, I didn't feel tired but I felt like I needed to rest. So I went inside to get myself a drink and later on continue cleaning their base till someone talks to me or makes a conversation. As I headed inside the building, I saw Price and others chatting near the entrance, I didn't want to be seen so I tried to go behind the house and climb through the window. This was the hard part, I was a good climber but I couldn't identify my room window as I forgot to put stickers on it, so I had to count the rooms till I was sure that it would be my window. I started climbing and to my surprise I guessed it.


948 words, not what I was expecting but I tried my best! I also got surprised how more people kept reading my story, it was hard for me to catch up. One day it was 200 reads and the next day it's already 500, thank you all!

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