Helping Avalugg

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"Chrissy! Brisk out here isn't it? How are you two not freezing?" Adaman says as the group finds Chrissy with the professor.

"I'm burning up." Irida says.

"Same. But I enjoy the cold too. Though this is nothing compared to where we're headed." Alexis says.

"You know I am beginning to think this is a you and me thing. You two won't ever see eye to eye with me will you? Or least you won't Irida. Alexis has on few occasions." Adaman says.

"I can't speak for my assistant but we will never see eye to eye no. Not so long as we see differently on all mighty Sinnoh." Irida says as Alexis looks at her.

"Yes, yes. Believe what you will. Just tell us where we have to go." Adaman says.

"We're headed to see my teacher and he's only ever found in one place." Irida says.

"On Avalugg's Legacy. It's highly cold there though." Alexis says.

"Ready to go Chrissy?" Adaman asks as the group looks at Chrissy.

"Yes." Chrissy says as she nods.

"Good. Adaman and I will meet you there while Alexis meets you at the noble's arena with some buns for you to use against him." Irida says.


"I knew you could pull that off Chrissy! You quelled every last frenzied noble. So is that space-time rift going to start closing up soon?" Adaman asks as the group finds Chrissy after finding she has beat Avalugg.

"There's little way of knowing for sure. Though the rift does seem perhaps a little smaller somehow." Irida says.

"Let's hope so anyway." Adaman says.

"Yes. I want things back to normal with the pokemon." Alexis says.

"We should be alright as long as we have Chrissy with us." Adaman says.

"I agree there." Irida says as Alexis nods in agreement.

"You know something? We might not always agree but you Pearl Clan folk are pretty okay. Some a little bit more than others." Adaman says.

"Is that a compliment Adaman? Never thought I'd hear something like that from you." Alexis says as she smiles at Adaman.

"Well I have seen things that have given me things to think about. Seems you have too considering you always call me Diamond Boy or Diamond Leader rather than my name." Adaman says as he smiles causing Alexis to blush.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't think much on it Diamond boy. We're still two different clans but I can agree. You're not so bad either." Alexis says.

"Let's head back to the commander. He'll want to hear about this." Irida says.

"And I'll head back to our clan to tell them of the good news and meet you later." Alexis says as she looks at Irida.

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