Conflicting Tribes

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"Come on Alexis." Irida says as she is walking with Alexis into the Galaxy Clan's village.

"I know I'm coming." Alexis says.

"Look who's being punctual! Finally realized you're wasting almighty Sinnoh's precious time by bowing to a sham?" A voice says revealing to be Adaman as alexis and Irida walk up to him.

"There you go again. Insisting on your false image of almighty Sinnoh as a ruler of time! My people follow the true almighty Sinnoh. The font of all creation and ruler of space!" Irida shouts.

"Ha! You could have all the space there is and still not know what to do with it." Adaman says.

"Excuse you!? The nerve of you to say such a thing." Alexis says angrily.

"Are you really suggesting that you make better use of your time than we make of vast Hisui's space?" Irida asks.

"Better than some! It's a miracle you showed up on time oh mighty leader and assistant leader of the Pearl Clan. I was worried you'd get lost in the pointlessly vast space you're so fond of and never show up." Adaman says.

"As get lost? In almighty Sinnoh's great gift to the Pearl Clan? In our world's very basis? You wish!" Irida says angrily.

"I wish that I hadn't let myself get dragged into arguing with you two. Almighty Sinnoh forgive me. What a waste of time! I'm off to Commander Kamado's office!" Adaman says.

"I believe it is you who started this oh mighty Diamond Clan leader." Alexis says as the group goes inside.


"What do you intend to do about that Kleavor Commandor Kamado!? He may be descended from a warrior of almighty Sinnoh but look at the mess he's causing. We can't sit back and let him rage on!" Adaman says as the group is with Kamado.

"You do get right to the point Adamen..." Kamado says.

"Time wasted is lost." Adaman says.

"Well tell me. What would you have us do? Kleavor is a precious lord of the Pearl Clan is he not?" Kamado asks.

"That's the point. My clan can't intervene directly where a lord is of the Pearl Clan is concerned. if my people were to do something our two clans might end up back at each other's throats. Just like we used to be. But even folks of the Galaxy Clan have been wounded haven't they? Seems someone's got to do something here..." Adaman says.

"Who then? Would the Diamond Clan here have the Pearl Clan bring down one of its own honored nobles?" Irida asks.

"I don't believe I said that. Thought it maybe." Adaman says.

"You may well have said it because that's how it come out." Alexis says annoyedly.

"Look. We don't even know what drove lord Kleavor into such a violent frenzy." Irida says.

"I'd like to know that myself. This is a first as far as my clan knows too." Adaman says.

"Hmm. I see you've arrived. This is Chrissy. The newest member of our survey corps." Kamado says as a brown haired woman comes into the room.

"Aha! I hear from Mai you earned Wrydeer's favor. Good to finally meet you stranger from the rift! I'm Adaman. Leader of the Diamond Clan if you want to be formal! but that's a mouthful. Just call me Adaman." Adaman says.

"If you cam from beyond the space-time rift... could you be from the space where almighty Sinnoh is said to reside? I'm Irida. Leader of the Pearl Clan! Caution and foresight are my watchwords." Irida says.

"And I'm Alexis the assistant leader of the Pearl Clan. I can either be a fierce competitor or a very loyal ally but that's is up to you." Alexis says as she smiles.

"I have trouble believing your tale. Could you really have passed through that rift?" Irida asks.

"I have a proposition. Why not send this one to study Kleavor before deciding what must be done?" Kamado asks.

"You'd send this stranger who supposedly fell from the rift to study Kleavor? This newcomer with no experience?" Irida asks.

"I must agree. It would be alarming for anyone to take on Kleavor without some experience." Alexis says.

"Says the leaders with no experience." Adaman says.

"Being a good leader isn't a matter of time. It's a matter of embracing Hisui's vastness without fear!" Irida says.

"And as long as you are willing to keep trying than experience is of little matter." Alexis says.

"Well then there you have it. If how new you are doesn't matter than let's give this kid her chance. I'm sold commander. Let's try this your way! This should be fun. I'll get to see how good you Galaxy folk really are with your weird ways. Putting pokemon in those strange balls and what have you." Adaman says.

"I don't agree with that practice. Pokemon should be allowed to live freely. They are meant to stand by us by choice not by force." Alexis says annoyedly.

"I understand your view alexis but trust me that is not our process. We do so only to live together. Allow us to show you and Irida what we can do! This is your mission now Chrissy. I order you to study Kleavor and help us find the truth of this situation." Kamado says.

"I accept it." Chrissy says.

"Remember that you are a stranger who appeared one day out of the very sky above us. People are naturally suspicious of your presence here. If you wish to be fully accepted and trusted you must word hard. Work yourself to the very bone." Kamado says.

"Well that's settled. And there's no time like the present!" Amadan says.

"The Lord of the Woods Kleavor is descended from a pokemon that was blessed with almighty Sinnoh's own power. No other pokemon you've yet encountered can compare to his strength. be warned." Irida says as she and Alexis leave.

"Irida do you really think this is a good idea? I mean letting a child take on this responsibility?" Alexis asks as she looks at Irida.

"To be honest no but what choice do we have. For now return to our people without me Alexis. I will return when I can and let you know of the progress that gets made. I wish you to do the same of any changes." Irida says.

"Yes leader." Alexis says before she leaves.

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