Stopping Palkia

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"Okay we have everything. Let's just hope this works." The Professor says as the others have brought the other items before he combines them into a pokeball.

"It's finished." Rei says as he helps to put the finishing touches on the ball.

"Great. I dub this the origin ball! This should allow you to catch the pokemon at the temple!" The Professor says as he hands Chrissy the pokeball.

"To think our fate rests in the hands of something so small." Irida says as she looks at the pokeball.

"Wait. Hold on. It's that voice again. I can hear it again." Adaman says.

"You mean Dialga?" Alexis asks as she smiles at Adaman.

"Yeah... Seems like it's willing to lend it's strength in battle." Adaman says as he smiles.

"That's certainly good news. That pokemon is ferociously powerful." Irida says.

"Everything's ready now Chrissy. Let's head back to the temple." The Professor says.


"For so long I'd thought I had to eliminate any outside element that might threaten the people of Jubilife Village. Whether that meant banishing you or seeking to destroy the pokemon at the temple. I felt it was my only path. But you've shown me that to think in such a way I was wrong. Are you ready for this Chrissy?" Kamado asks.

"Yes I am ready." Chrissy says.

"Then let's go." Kamado says as everyone heads up the stairs before the other pokemon appears sending the others flying back. Alexis soon loses her grip on a pillar and starts to fly back before Adaman catches her and pulls her close to him.

"Thanks." Alexis says as she smiles at Adaman.

"Well we're not enemies anymore so of course I wasn't gonna let you fly off." Adaman says as he smiles causing Alexis to blush.

"Everyone back! Let Chrissy handle this!" Kamado shouts as everyone runs back to safety before watching as Chrissy captures the pokemon.

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