Improvement Between Clans

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"Irida are you certain it's a good idea to get this involved in other lords besides our own? I don't know I quite trust this child yet. And Adaman isn't exactly easy to work with." Alexis says as she is standing on the galaxy training grounds with Irida.

"Alexis this child has done more than prove worthy. Do you trust me as your leader?" Irida asks as she looks at Alexis.

"What kind of a question is that?" Alexis asks annoyedly.

"Just answer me." Irida says.

"Yes I trust you." Alexis says.

"Then trust my judgement. Things are going better than they have when we were on our own. Besides you act more like Adaman then you think sometimes." Irida says.

"And how's that exactly?" Alexis asks annoyedly.

"One you're stubborn and you like taking time to enjoy things but you also don't like wasting that time either." Irida says.

"I am not like that diamond boy. He's not that cute anyway to be of my interest." Alexis says annoyedly.

"What was that now?" Irida asks.

"Uh nothing." Alexis says while blushing.

"Alexis... Oh hello Chrissy." Irida says as she smiles at Alexis before noticing Chrissy come up as Ingo walks over.

"Hello Irida, Alexis." Chrissy says.

"This gentleman is Warden Ingo who serves Sneasler. He will guide you to her domain." Irida says.

"Pleased to properly meet you. I apologize for that abrupt how-do-you-do before. I am the warden Ingo. I understand you'll need a hand from Sneasler in order to meet Electrode. Whether she'll see fit to help you however we can only find out by making the journey. Now let's have a safe journey to Mount Coronet! All aboard!" Ingo says excitedly.

"Ingo is a bit like you Chrissy in many ways." Alexis says.

"What do you mean?" Chrissy asks.

"He appeared one day from who-knows-where. What's more much of his memory seems to be missing. Maybe traveling with you will help fill in some of the gaps in his memory." Irida says.

"In other words it will be beneficial for you both. Thank you for helping us. I don't quite trust you yet but I'm aware of your deeds so far and look forward to seeing how you continue on." Alexis says.

"Good luck in the highlands!" Irida says.


"Isn't it nice getting up early?" Adaman asks as he, Irida and alexis meet Chrissy outside her house as she is walking outside.

"Is it? It's not as if getting up early changes what you do with the day." Irida says.

"Yes it does. It opens up possibilities... such as responding to Commander Kamado's invitation today in a timely manner!" Adaman says.

"We got the same invitation. While I agree waking up early has advantages you still it's the same amount of time in the day regardless of what time you awake. Waking up early only gives you more hours in that day to do something." Alexis says.

"Least one of you is sensible about time. Are you coming too? I'm sure we can all guess what the Commander wants with us." Adaman says.

"Alexis meet us back home. Make sure everything is ready for Chrissy." Irida says as she looks at Alexis as she nods.

"Yes ma'am." Alexis says as she leaves.

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