Wanna stay for the night?

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Okay so I'm really sorry for taking so long but as a apology here is a long chapter its like and intire day described so yeah thats why so long🙂🙃

"Do you live far from here?" Clint said after he sat down next to me. "Well depends on what you call far, I came to the woods with my car and its a half hour drive home." "Well its kinda far from here to the parking place but if you want I can bring you home. Also you can stay here for a little longer or just for the night, and we can get know eachother better." "Well if you really dont mind I think it would be nice to stay here and get to know you better." You said with a sweet smile. "Okay well do you want anything to drink? Maybe a coffee I mean its 08:00 and I dont know about you but my brain doesn't work this early without coffee!" He said laughing a bit.
You laughed to and said: "Yeah a coffee is good, I like it black how about you?" "Same I dont get why people want milk or sugar in it, I think it kind off takes away the whole point of coffee." He agreed.
Time skip to when you to are sitting at the table with you're coffee.
It was being kinda akward since it was total silence and you just didn't know what was properly to say. Then Clinton luckely broke the ice asking me: "Uhm sooo, what do you like to do in you're free time?" "Well lots of things actually, archery, biking in the woods, going to the shooting range, and well ofcourse watching Netflix and just chilling." "Wow well I guess you really like sports then." He said a little amazed of what you just said. "What about you?" You asked. "Well I really like archery to so thats cool but I think you've already felt that." He said with a slidely akward and guild feeling little laugh.

Suddenly you widened your eyes and rufly put down your cup of coffee. Clint almost spit then almost shoke on it. He smashed down the cup looking worried at asking: "OMG ARE YOU OK?? WHATS WRONG ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING DO I NEED TO CALL AN AMBULANCE??!" "Oml I'm so so sorry for scaring you, aaaand no need to call an ambulance I'm fine I just realised something." You asked a bit ashamed. "Well, spill the tea!" He said a little excited. You cuckled and said "Well its not some gossip tea or anything but I just realised I cant stay for the night because Nala cant stay home alone that long ofcoure." "Nala? Who's that if I may ask." "She's my dog, but I already gave her a big bowl of water and kibble this morning before I left and since she sleeps like a human it shouldn't be a problem if I stay longer just not a whole night." "Well that's okay and I've got two questions my I ask them?" He said "Well you just already asked me one but yeah tou can ask me two more cuz I'm in a good mood today." You said smiling at the sweet guy sitting next to you. He chuckled and said: "Well first wich breed is she?" "A Golden Retriever the most sweet one on earth if I may add." You said proudly. "And second what do you mean with 'she sleeps like a human'?" "Uhm well on work days she usually wakes up early and runs upstairs to them jump on my bed to wake me up cause she wants food. Little fatass that she is." You chuckled under you breath shaking your head and smiling. "Clinton laughed well she indeed does sound like the sweetest dog." "Yeah I now, anyway I think I can stay here until 12:00 o'clock or something. And if you want you could stay at my house for a while than?" "Yeah sure!" He said while again giving you one of those sweet smiles. "Oh and btw I dont really know why but the back of my brain is telling me I should know you from something. Like your name and the fact your really good with the bow and arrow, could that be right?" You asked still thinking. "Uhmm yeah well going straight to the point... I'm Hawkeye from the Avengers." "OML THATS SO COOL. Oke sorry for screaming you just really inspire me whenever I'm thinking or doing archery you know." "Wait really?" He asked with sort of hope in his eyes. "Yes I honestly think youre like The Coolest Avenger." " Wow no one have actually ever said that to me thank you really much!" He said joy filling his voice and he's pretty eyes.... OMG WHAT AM I THINKING I CAN'T BE THINKING THIS FOR LOKI SAKES GET OUT OF MY BRAIN YOU WEIRD ASS THOUGHTS!! (Yeahhh well we all know these are not just some random thought it might just be the truth, oh and if you didn't get it yet, if anything is written like that it means your thinking. But now back to the book and sorry for disturbing youuu) "Is your arm stil hurting btw?" He asked. "Well just a little but but he make sense to me." You said laughing. "Ok well I'm just really worried I was scared that I killed someone but luckely it was just youre arm." He said letting out a slightly releaved breath. "JuSt My arM??!?!?!." You said sarcastic and fake offended slapping your hand on to your chest and the other to your forehead trowing your head back. You two then giggled like little childrens with great smiles on youre faces. "Well I'm happy you have the same broken humor as me though. I did thought you were honestly offended for a second until you did those funny moves." "Ahaha" "Do you wanna watch a movie or anything?" He asked. "Yeah sure." You two walked over to the couch both sat down he moved a bit closer. You became a little red but didn't look at him to hide your color. He reached over the small table in front of you both and grabbed the remote. Next he opened Netflix and asked: "Well any suggestions?" "Hmm do you know that new movie called Unchattered if I'm right?" "Yes , yes I've heard of it and really wanna watch it you to?" "U duhuh yes ofcourse!" You said jokingly flipping your long h/c hair. He searched the movie and tapped 'play'.

Clint Barton X y/n / reader EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now